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Metal gear solid 5


New Member
I've been thinking about getting metal gear solid 5 the Phantom pain,but I have only played the 3 mgs.I know it the start of the story but should I play the others or will I miss some of the story line if I get the new one oh I also played the last game but that's not really that important.what should I do?
Moved to appropriate section.

On topic: I've only ever played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Ground Zeroes. But I plan on playing The Phantom Pain when it releases (if I get back into gaming that is, been bored of it for a few months now :o). Chronologically, if I remember it goes MGS 3: Snake Eater first and then The Phantom Pain, and the rest follow. So you should be fine if you've played the third game. That's how I'm doing it anyway.
I'll be certainly picking it up. August has been a slow month for gaming. I wonder if it'll be multiplayer like the others.
I've been thinking about getting metal gear solid 5 the Phantom pain,but I have only played the 3 mgs.I know it the start of the story but should I play the others or will I miss some of the story line if I get the new one oh I also played the last game but that's not really that important.what should I do?

I played all MGS and I'm a huge fan.(only on home consoles not portables).

MGS 1 - 2 - 4 have same story line, which happens after:
MGS 3 - Peace Walker - Ground Zero - Phantom Pain

So if you played MGS 3, you are good to go for Ground zero, you will know the characters and I'm sure it will give you an idea at the begining of what happened in peace walker.
I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear. Never played the original two on the MSX2 (as I was still pooping my diapers). I don't think you need to play the others except MGS3 to get this particular story. Basically how this works, is it's going to complete the full story starting with the original Metal Gear games that were released in 1987. In the original two games you play as Solid Snake battling legendary mercenary Big Boss. MGS3 told the beginning story of how Naked Snake he became Big Boss and how he turned to evil. MGS, MGS2 and MGS4 told the story of Solid Snake, Big Boss's clone son. There is a bigger over arching story about the Patriots and how the world really works, etc, that culminates in MGS4 and you have to play all the games to get it. However, this particular story-arch, you can get by if you didn't play the Solid Snake games.

If I were you and you want the full story between all the games, start reading :)

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Hoping to pick this up at some point this week. One of the only games I've actually been looking forward to this year.

The only thing I'm trying to decide now is whether to grab it on the PS4 or Xbox One. I know the PS4 version has better resolution, but Xbox One has more of a stable framerate and they don't really look all that different.
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Hoping to pick this up at some point this week. One of the only games I've actually been looking forward to this year.

The only thing I'm trying to decide now is whether to grab it on the PS4 or Xbox One. I know the PS4 version has better resolution, but Xbox One has more of a stable framerate and they don't really look all that different.
Just get it on ps4 so you can play with us. Plus the framrate only drops when it autosaves
Yeah haze. Get it on PS4 so we all can play :)

GameStop opens for me in an hour and a half. Took the day off and have my copy preordered and waiting :D
Dude. I'm playing it now (well took a break). It's pretty awesome and feels like classic mgs with a new twist (resource management). So haze, get it :)
Sorry guys. Went in to grab it today but guess what? All the PS4 versions were sold out. There were four Xbox One copies left though, so I went ahead and grabbed the Xbox One version.
Sorry guys. Went in to grab it today but guess what? All the PS4 versions were sold out. There were four Xbox One copies left though, so I went ahead and grabbed the Xbox One version.
Hahahaha really? Guess I was glad I preordered it months ago. Thought preorders were archaic at this point in the game but guess they still serve a purpose outside of useless dlc ;)
Sorry guys. Went in to grab it today but guess what? All the PS4 versions were sold out.

Hahahaha really? Guess I was glad I preordered it months ago.

Same here. Despite of my pre-order of a few days ago, I coulnd't find a copy for me...

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