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Metal Gear Solid 1


New Member
Oh, I remember playing the demo for the first time, it was just awesome. The real game hat this extra disc with a big training mode, it was really cool back then. i like how the game managed to be a lot movie-like but never stopped to be a game. When I think of some newer Final Fantasy titles I just don#t have the feeling anymore to play a game but watch a movie without being able to do something.



New Member
I agree completely, I love the VR missions they were so cool and added a whole new depth and dimension to action games at the time. I was such a huge fan of those VR missions that I purchased the seperate VR missions game between the first and second Metal Gear Solid games that came out on the PS1. It was the beginning of the whole advanced stealth mode that future games like Hitman and Assassin's Creed have perfected. I cannot wait to see the next generation of Metal Gear at some point.


New Member
I loved this game. The best part of the game was when you knocked on the wall to get somebody attention and then you come around them and kill them. I also liked crawling in the vents with the rats as well lol. This is a classic.


New Member
I didn't get into this game outright. I repeated the first level over and over because I always got caught by a patrolling guard. I had no weapons. All I had were some cigarettes and a scope so I said, what the heck? Do I have to punch my way through? What I didn't know was that I could break the necks of the guards or choke them, throw them off railings, mislead them, avoid them completely, etc. I didn't know that there were a lot of options that I could take. But once I learned the ropes, it was an absolutely amazing game.


Professional Escapologist
Strangely enough, i have the PC version of this and i never played the Playstation version. I know that this might be some kind of crime, but i really didn't had another way of playing it at the time.
And i completed the game a lot of times and had tons of fun trying to find all the secret stuff that Kojima put into the game.


New Member
Ah... Metal Gear my old friend. As I may have mentioned in the past I have a thing for stealth and this game was honestly the beginning of that. There is nothing quite like ghosting through a level staying your hand even if you could kill everyone. There is nothing like cheerfully picking off the guards... even if you needn't. That slow, careful exploration of a level is something that has remained with my ever since and so I have nothing but fondness for this series and especially this title. Wonderful.


New Member
The first time I played this was on a demo cd from a magazine. There was this beginning when you would swim into the area and had to kill the first opponent. Shortly after this the demo would throw you out but still it was so convincing you kept playing this little part.


New Member
I loved this game, but I didn't actually play the PS1 disc until it released in the PS2 Collection with MGS2 and MGS3. Since then, I have loved the series. It was my second MGS game, after Portable Ops. I love going back and replaying it, from time to time.


New Member
I really enjoyed this game when it came out. It put stealth games onto a new level. I got through about half of the game and gave up though. I didn't have the patience to stick with it. I guess I had ADD as a kid. I really should bust the game back out of the closet and finish it one of these days. Ah, the memories.

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