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Just got my PS5


New Member
Hello all. I was wondering if there was a way to see news and live videos from the USA? I am currently living in Thailand and when I go to view other players content they are speaking in languages I don't understand. The only thing I can think of is changing my time zone region to the USA, but that will change the time to California time and throw me off quite a bit. And the other way is to possibly use a DNS but I don't want to throttle my gaming, downloads, etc. Can anyone help me? I don't want the foreign content to show, I would much rather have content from home to show. Thank you.


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
I don't have any experience with this but perhaps you can look into VPNs? I'm not sure how this would work on game consoles but it is something to google. Maybe it'll lead you into some kind of direction :)


New Member
I don't have any experience with this but perhaps you can look into VPNs? I'm not sure how this would work on game consoles but it is something to google. Maybe it'll lead you into some kind of direction :)
Thank you for your help. Yes, I was figuring that I would possibly need to do that. I am hoping to find a way to alleviate this issue, which is not really an issue per se, but a regional issue of sorts. I will try a DNS I subscribe to and see if that helps. Would REALLY love if I could access PS Now, which is apparently not available in Thailand. Even with my 1gb down / 500 mb up connection, wired, on a PS5. Sad to see Sony being so limiting when it comes to their own services for games that are clearly available here in Thailand in their own store. Strange to say the least.

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