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Is Trials: Fusion your favorite Trials game?


New Member
I'm a huge fan of the Trials series, and I would actually say that Fusion is the best title in the franchise. A lot of people like Trials HD and Trials evolution more, but I can't get over how smoothly Fusion runs. The game is incredibly challenging in later levels, and you can do the same incredible things to create unique maps. I feel like Fusion improves upon its predecessors while setting itself apart from them in a big enough way. What are your thoughts?


New Member
I enjoy the Trials series too and I really liked Fusion, but for me Trials HD was the best one so far. I don't know what it is, but it's the best one in my opinion.


New Member
Hey, don't get me wrong. Trials HD was an incredible game, and it's what really got the entire franchise started on consoles. I put a couple hundred hours into that game trying to get the best times and complete minigames and everything. I was pretty competitive with friends in that game, too. While I prefer Fusion, I still understand why a person might choose HD or Evolution over Fusion.

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