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Is the Vita worth it?


New Member
I was going to buy a 3DS since it has tons of great games coming out (Shin Megami Tensei, Pokemon, Smash Bros.) however, since I'm getting a PS4 when it comes out, and the Vita will be compatible with most PS4 games, is it worth skipping the 3DS and getting the Vita instead?
Is the Vita games library good enough to stand up on it's own in the meantime?
Get a 3DS. Lol. Just kidding. If you really want a PS Vita, then go for it. It has a lot of great games in its library that could rival most games on the 3DS. Besides, the PS Vita has a much powerful hardware and a better design than the 3DS. I like the 3DS but I think that the PS Vita is better and has more longevity.
Just recently bought the PS Vita and so far I've been enjoying it. Especially if you're with PS Plus - I mean "Uncharted: Golden Abyss", "Unit 13", next month we get LEGO Lord of the Rings. There are some very good games for the Vita thus far with more to come. The only downside is there isn't a lot of games but I have a feeling that will change especially since it will be compatible with the PS4.
Well based on what you guys have said I might actually get the Vita because as of yet I didn't really think I wanted one or that it had enough games I would like. The biggest reason before was the fact that it had Persona 4 Golden on it, but I guess if I get the money it sounds like it would be worth it. Also it would let me use a game I got for free that require the Vita, won the game on a website including a few other things.
That's great news, seeing that in my original post my main complain was the lack of games.
Let's see what those games are and if it's a good selection, that's what I see as the Vita's main problem solved :)
I would say so, but I am apparently biased. I bought one quite early and I've enjoyed it. I like that it is connected to the console, has free games, access to old games, and a lot of potential. That said only you know if that is worth anything to you.

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