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Is Daylight going to be the true survival horror game we all are craving for?


New Member
Did you see the 12 minute pre-alpha footage of this game. It's awesome to say the least! The last few minutes were where the game shined. It was as if the game has switched from Dead Island mode to Resident Evil mode. It looked like a true survival horror game. What do you guys think about this game after the gameplay footage?


Professional Escapologist
Wait, is there new footage? Because Google didn't turn up with nothing new.
It looked pretty good, but i would prefer for them to focus on ambient and setting than just jumpscares with loud noises and faces close to you.


New Member
Wait, is there new footage? Because Google didn't turn up with nothing new.
It looked pretty good, but i would prefer for them to focus on ambient and setting than just jumpscares with loud noises and faces close to you.

Here is the gameplay was talking about.

It's petty mind-blogging, isn't it? What do you think about this game after watching this video?


New Member

Might this be what you meant instead? I found it with a quick Google search so I have little idea. I will however say that it's over two months old.

Also I just have to say I like dying light better.
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This is actually the first time I have read and or heard anything about Daylight, at least that I can recall. While I would not call it the survival-horror game I have been waiting for, it certainly both looks and sounds intriguing. Anyone else find it slightly ironic that he is discussing Daylight while wearing a shirt that reads, "Blacklight"?


New Member
It looks cool, but it seems to rely too much on conventional scare tactics...? Aren't we tired of all that already? Hmmm...


New Member
It looks cool, but it seems to rely too much on conventional scare tactics...? Aren't we tired of all that already? Hmmm...

The more the merrier IMO. It's going to be awesome though. The footage they revealed on Eurogamer Expo was just mind blowing. Did you see how everything changes in night? You are literally fighting for your life.


New Member
Yeah, I saw! It's really cool, but I'm still not sure. Some games have some cool moments, but overall can be so underwhelming...


New Member
Looks boring. And it doesn't look impressive. It looks repetitive. It's just walking and walking while holding a smartphone of some sorts and using light and flares and stuff. It looks like the Slenderman games. I'm not excited about it one bit. Never was really into first person horror and this doesn't look like it would convince me to like the genre. I like third person horror games much more.


New Member
Looks boring. And it doesn't look impressive. It looks repetitive. It's just walking and walking while holding a smartphone of some sorts and using light and flares and stuff. It looks like the Slenderman games. I'm not excited about it one bit. Never was really into first person horror and this doesn't look like it would convince me to like the genre. I like third person horror games much more.

I ma sorry for the confusion, but I was talking about Dying Light here, a video game developed by Techland.


New Member
I'm not expecting much from this game, it seems to be your typical horror game along the lines of Amnesia and Dead Space that uses cheap jump scares and freaky effects. It kinda looks like Outlast if you ask me. I like Dying Light better LOL.

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