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How many memory cards did you own?


New Member
You all remember those little things, where we used to save hours and hours of our gaming time. Grey for the PS1 and black for the PS2. I remember that when I bought my PS1, I didn't have a memory card for more than a month, so I couldn't save any of my progress. I was so happy when I finally got my first memory card. After all these years, I'm sure I can still find them somewhere in my house, 3 memory cards for the PS1 and 2 for the PS2.
How many memory cards did you own?


New Member
I owned about three memory cards. I always wanted to have extra cards in case the ones i had broke. I always made sure i had spare accessories for my PS1


New Member
I have four PlayStation memory cards and three ps2 memory cards. I like to save my games and play them from a certain point so I can continue where I left off. I also.save at certain parts so that I can see certain cut scenes that I like. I have lots of saved games on my memory cards. I don't plan on getting rid of my ps games or memory cards so I make sure that I take good care of them so thry will last a long time.


New Member
I ended up buying a lot of them, probably more than 6, just because me and my friends would usually exchange these cards freely among our group and as expected, some of them don't make it back to me. I happened for all of us, though, so I'm not too wound up about it, and my friends probably even bought more since they would always lose theirs without even having to lend them to us.


New Member
I had 2 or 3 for my PS2. I had at least 5 for my PS1. 4 out of those 5 were 3rd party cards, and I experienced problems with them. That's why I had that many.


New Member
As we speak, I have 16 memory cards stored in my toolbox. I'm pretty sure I still had six more somewhere. Probably it got lost in the flood.


New Member
I still have a card somewhere, but I'm having trouble finding everything after my most recent move. During the time I had 4 cards and they all corresponded to the type of game that I was playing. When I had a PS 1 I had one card that died and it traumatized my young self to expand to have multiple cards. I'm happy for cloud saves now a days so that I don't have to worry about losing data like that again. 4 is the answer... 4


New Member
I can't recall the exact number. I do however, remember my first memory card. I turned on my PSX and wasn't allowed to save because I didn't have a memory card. I had never heard of a memory card because consoles before didn't use them. I had to just play Spyro over and over until my mom bought me a memory card.


New Member
I did some checking and I found that I actually have five memory cards for my PS1 and three memory cards for my PS2. I didn't realize I still had the other one until I was doing some cleaning at home and I discovered it among a box of old cds that I had packed away. I am glad I found them otherwise it would have been forgotten.


New Member
I've had three or four PS1 memory cards, while I have three for the PS2. I've always carried more PS1 cards because I save more than one file for Final Fantasy VII, which is very prone to files being corrupted or ruined.

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