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How large was the threat of game sharing?


, , Darkness, ,
When the Playstation 3 first launched right up until 2011 you could have your downloadable content on 5 machines that are active, meaning you didn't have to deactivate an account on a machine as long as you were in that 5 machine boundary. However many people would often do deals with mates and friends to give map packs at a reduced price or for free by giving said person their log in info and then allowing them to download the maps and then changing their account info once they had done it so the person no longer had access.

Now I think it was 2011, an update was launched so that only two accounts could be active at one time for DLC content and many were in uproar because many did have more than two machines in a household etc but I think the large amount of uproar was more due to the fact people couldn't game share as easily.

In the end do you think the threat of game sharing was real and that by changing it from 5 to 2 was justifiable or do you think it was an overreaction?


Well-Known Member
My opinion is unless they are your family member or a real close friend, I frown upon game sharing. I had a random person two weeks ago asking if they could game share with me (They wanted Minecraft. They were offering me COD: Ghosts) and I just flat out refused. Had no idea who this person was and I asked how they found/knew me. Turns out they found me from PSNProfiles where I only have a few posts.

Fiverr Exposed

New Member
I assume these are just for downloadable games? I think the limit should be around 3, because households are bigger, and everyone has their own TV & game system.

Is the limit the same for PS4? And I wonder if they should come up with another way to ensure that each person buys a copy of the games. I wonder why they don't just do a focus group among elite game hackers and ask them what would work?


New Member
Had no idea who this person was and I asked how they found/knew me. Turns out they found me from PSNProfiles where I only have a few posts.

Now that's just crazy. That's someone who was really hunting for free games.


New Member
I think its perfectly fine amongst households and friends, when people start doing it online and really pushing it I think that's when the line needs to be drawn. Some people will abuse anything though.


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
My opinion is unless they are your family member or a real close friend, I frown upon game sharing. I had a random person two weeks ago asking if they could game share with me (They wanted Minecraft. They were offering me COD: Ghosts) and I just flat out refused. Had no idea who this person was and I asked how they found/knew me. Turns out they found me from PSNProfiles where I only have a few posts.

I agree. I feel developers should be paid for their work but there's always that one jerk who tries to be a wet blanket on everyone who is honest. A close friend of mine got me the map packs for Black Ops a couple years ago so we can play together (guess he felt bad I was unemployed lol). Then when someone who was more of an acquaintance wanted the season pass for Borderlands 2, I told him to screw off and that I don't do game sharing.


New Member
Keep game sharing within the households only. I'm still iffy about sharing with friends. I suppose it's cool, but that's a soft "I suppose".

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