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New Member
Hey everyone. My name is Davis and i'm doing a project for my Social Media class. I met my best friend online playing Overwatch. I wanted to show that people make real friends through gaming so I was wondering if any of you all can share stories of become good friends with someone you met through gaming online. Thanks for everyone's help!


New Member
Hi Davis. I saw your post and wanted to share my story. I started playing Destiny 2 about 10 years ago and didn't have anyone to play with. So I went online to the Destiny 2 forums and joined a clan. From this video game clan I have developed 3 really good friends. I didn't know them at all online before and now we have each other's phone numbers and call and text each other all the time. I was a bit worried about making online friends, but in all honesty I probably spend more time with them online then with my "real life" friends. Hope this helps your project.


New Member
Hi guys. I actually reconnected with my cousin Austin by playing Halo 2. He lives in Kansas which is far from me and we barely talked. By playing Halo 2 with him almost every night we became closer and closer and were able to talk about everything. I know i'm related to him, but he eventually became my best friend through all our online game playing. My mom and aunt were even happy that we were able to reconnect through video games.

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