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Help with PSN account


New Member
I am hoping someone can advise. My son had 2 PSN accounts (dont ask me why!) anyway the most active account has disappeared. He cannot remember any of the log in details. I have gone through our email accounts and can only find the details to one of them. I am clueless about these things and dont know how to help him. Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance
I am hoping someone can advise. My son had 2 PSN accounts (dont ask me why!) anyway the most active account has disappeared. He cannot remember any of the log in details. I have gone through our email accounts and can only find the details to one of them. I am clueless about these things and dont know how to help him. Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance
I don't know what happened, but this is my assumption, it sounds like someone stole the account. Sounds like someone hacked your console, changed the e-mail address attached to the username in question. And they probably have changed the username, too.

Because, you could use the email address to reset the password if you forgot the login details. All you need is the email address. Go to the Sony site, here. Over here is the login pathways. Good luck.

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