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I'm about to buy a PS4 and I read some news online that it needs the day one patch (1.50). Do you need to download every patch or will I have to download the latest on only and does the latest patch contain the things from the previous pstches? Thanks.
I'm about to buy a PS4 and I read some news online that it needs the day one patch (1.50). Do you need to download every patch or will I have to download the latest on only and does the latest patch contain the things from the previous pstches? Thanks.

Depends on when the PS4 was boxed and packaged, it might have a few updates done already, it might not. Either way, the PS4 will do an update to the latest version. Is this an issue for some reason?
Not sure if you will have to DL 1.50 or not? You might just have to do the most recent. Worst case scenario you have to do 1.50 and the latest. You shouldn't have to download every patch.
Yep. The latest patch is all you need I believe.Its not like you need to download all previous patches first.No,the latest includes all updates before it.
Yep. The latest patch is all you need I believe.Its not like you need to download all previous patches first.No,the latest includes all updates before it.

This correct.

The latest update will have everything you need. It will be large though. If you have a slow internet connection be prepared to wait a while. Or you can do what i did. I went to the public library, and downloaded it to my flash drive.

The library has unbelievably fast speed internet. It took me about 5 minutes to download the whole thing.
I live in Southeast Asia so the PS4's version which I'm gonna buy is Asian or Region 3 and I want to update the PS4 through the USB. Are the updates region free?

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