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Has anybody pre-ordered the PS4?

I have never pre-ordered a console in my life. I prefer to wait a few months before actually purchasing the console myself. I do this in order to be sure that the new consoles do not have any defects. Not that I don't trust Sony, I just want to be sure.
My first pre ordered console yes.
I only did it a few weeks back at Harvey Norman online (Aussie will know HN) It was no money down and when I asked them if I would get launch console they assured me "first drop" so defo worth a punt I thought.
If not Ill wait 'til next shipment.
i always preorder stuff and had to my gamestop there pretty cool and gives me the heads up on everything.
But i did not preorder because i simply dont have the money for it this year. I will end up buying it at the being of next year.
I have already pre-ordered PS4 through Amazon. I was a 360 gamer in the past, but the online DRM and mandatory check in every 24 hours were deal breaker for me. As soon as Sony revealed that they will allow used games and there is no DRM shoved up our throat, I was looking for pre-order button.
My husband and I went down to Best Buy the first pay day we had after the reveal and pre-ordered ours. I would recommend pre-ordering for those that are planning to get the system at or around launch however. With the holiday season being right at launch, it will probably be difficult to be able to obtain one before early next year simply because of demand for the product, and from everything I have read online about the upcoming PS4 there is going to be a pretty high demand from the looks of things. But for those who don't mind waiting and who might want to see the actual system and maybe play a demo system at the store before buying, then just expect there to be a slight wait to get it.
Nope, probably won't for the PS5, PS6 and so on even if it looks great. I always like to look for reviews before I buy anything, not only consoles. If the console is not worth the price, I wasted 400 dollars. Even if I do refund it, I'll only get 300 or 350 which is a big loss for me. Once I see that the PS4 has 4/5 or 5/5 ratings, I'll most likely get it. It doesn't take much to convince me, but when it comes to pre-ordering, you have to really make an amazing point. I'm also very frugal, so I would probably wait for a price drop despite the good reviews, and the great games.
I have never preordered any console ever. I like to get it when it comes out at the store. That is just the way I like to do it. I don't think I could deal with the wait, knowing I have already paid for the console.
I have never pre-ordered a console either. I don't see the point really unless I was a really hardcore fan that had to get the latest tech. as the soonest possible moment. Not only that, but I don't have the cash to be so laborious in spending it. I will definitely have a PS4 at one point, but I'm going to wait until I can get it much cheaper than it is now.
Amazon is out of preorders...and that makes me very sad.

I was saving up money for my PS4 and I'm nearly there, however Amazon is already out of stock for PS4. If they still had them in stock I definitely would have preordered one by now.
I didn't, just don#t have the money right now. I hope that the prices will fall around christmas so I can afford it.
Just like games, i think i never pre-ordered something aside from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but that game was too hype to not do it. That aside, i will wait. But i do have a friend who did it, so, will definitely play it on the release!
I pre-ordered mines through Bestbuy. They made me drop $ 25 on it. Then I pay the rest on launch day. You can also get it at Gamestop. They make you drop $100. There you can make payments on it until the console come out.
I preordered my ps4 over the summer, now all I have to do is wait. I paid everything for it. Hopefully on the day of the ps4 release, I can upload some gameplay videos of ps4 exclusive games.
I haven't yet, but I definitely plan on it soon! I'm just hoping that not everywhere sells out before I can here in a few days.
I haven't preordered a console before, but the PS4 makes it tempting. I don't have the money to buy one at the moment yet. Hopefully I can get a job and save up before then. I might just wait a year or less so the price isn't as high. The only thing that really discourages me from getting the PS4 on release is the bugs that could possibly not have been fixed yet. Apart from that
Okay, it's official, I am looking for a store to pre-order the PS4 now! It is a little bit more difficult now that amazon and Gamestop is sold out however there seems to still be a few places with consoles left. Right now Walmart is looking like a decent deal.

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