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Has anybody played Alien: Isolation yet? What did you think?


Well-Known Member
As the title asks, has anybody here played Alien: Isolation as of yet? I know it only came out today I believe, but thought I'd ask anyway.

Been thinking about picking it up tomorrow on the PS3. I've seen some reviews and they seem to be all over the place quite frankly. So it would be fantastic if members here could maybe enlighten all of us and hopefully can say it's "not that bad"? :D
Four hours in and this needs to get much, much better.

Positives: feels like Alien. Amy is an excellent character.

Negatives: good lord it is dull. I've only played for four hours but in that time all I've done is wander around interacting with switches and terminals. I had one battle with humans because the stealth is terrible. Thankfully they stood in a line helpfully as I melee'd them one after another. Then I had a tough time with the androids for a bit. Got killed by the alien outright with little or no warning twice.

I don't feel like there's a game here. It's all just a bit boring so far and I'm a huge fan of the films (who isn't?!).
Well, I've seen the opening 25 minutes or so of this game and from a spectator's point of view (I don’t actually have it), I'm certainly warming to it from the little I've seen so far. It starts off well enough and was impressed with the first 'proper' cut scene once the game gets underway.

From my perspective it's far too early to tell whether it'll prove to be decent or not, or whether this is even a genuine survival horror as many say it is. However, the opening signs look pretty positive for me. It even has a 'lean' button – very Amnesia-esq! That's got to be a good sign! I've not witnessed any sort of combat or enemy of sorts yet so I have no comment to make on that front. All I've seen are men running in the far distance from right to left in a cut-scene. Any fear factor? Again, it's too early to tell. There's some decent, dark lighting effects. I can see where suspense and tension could possibly happen but being so early on in the game, I'm still looking at the more introductory stages than anything else.

Personally, I see no need in the modern trend (or need) for outright, relentless action. It doesn't really appeal to me. If I wanted endless shooting, I'd buy one of the countless FPS titles on the market and not a horror game. The boundaries have very much been blurred between horror and action in recent years and certainly from the first 25 minutes or so that I’ve seen, Alien Isolation seems to be reversing the modern trend that I've grown to loathe. Of course though, in response to blucey's comments, I hope that this game doesn't prove to have so little that it goes too far the other way… Again, I can’t comment on this yet and what I've said above could very well alter with the more I see. A game with nothing in is just a bad!

If I do decide to buy this game, I don't really want to watch more than around another hour or so, as I don't want to spoil it too much for myself. It needs to be at least on the same level as what I've seen so far for me to consider buying this. However, with the chances of me finally getting a PS4 over the next three months looking reasonably high now (70/30 I reckon), I'm very reluctant to buy this for my PS3 and therefore I may be in for a bit of a wait if I do buy it…
Most important question: is it scary?

I can see slow periods being okay if the game gets some good jump scares in.

It is kind of scary. Wandering around helpless in dark corridors 15 mins away from your last save point is never going to be a walk in the park. It is dark, there are long shadows, death can come from anywhere.

Thing is, it's all a bit heavy-handed. There are times where you feel like you are being stalked by an orchestra but the alien is a bit worrysome for sure.

That said, it's no PT. That scared the hell out of me with a lot less.

I'm no CoD/Halo fan. Run and gun FPS games aren't my thing at all. I'd say if you liked Bioshock, then you might like this. Fetch quests seperated by lots of corridors. That's what this game is about. The first hour is enjoyably tense but after four I just want it over. After the predicted 15 hour finish I imagine this will be getting traded in pretty quickly.

Call me ridiculous but Colonial Marines was a bit more enjoyable. It was rough as hell but the four-player co-op was good and I enjoyed the virtual LV426 tourism.​
Also, the missions are sort of rubbish. At one point you have to stealth your way to a terminal to send out a message. Except that you get a message saying all comms are blocked cos the station is in lockdown. So what do you do? Stealth your way to another terminal that is working. Huh?

It's just a bit rubbishly put together in that sense.
I regret paying full price which was £50 here in the UK. Personally I wouldn't want anyone paying more than £25 for it.
From what Ive read so far I wouldnt buy it.
Maybe for $5 in a bargain bin someday though.
I played maybe an hour or so last night and it seems good so far. Great suspense and good first impression. I'm just hoping it'll keep this up all the way through.
I get its a sleath and hide type game,and if it were real life you'd be glad not to come across the alien but hey,it is a game and some things are supposed to happen surely :grin.
From what Ive read so far it sounds like the dev's went a little overboard in the stealth and hide department on this one as its comes across as a little too boring.

No,I was suckered into Aliens vs Colonial Marines and despite loving the Alien films I wont be suckered into buying this one.
Aliens vs Colonial Marines was barely medicore. The gameplay was all over the place on that. Isolation is (or at least appears to be) considerably more polished than that.

Anyway folks, I think I've seen enough of this game now to know that I've more or less got my heart set on getting it. I've seen around an hour and a half's worth of footage and I go really like what I see. It gets the provisional 'thumbs up' from me.

Whilst I understand other people's views on it being 'slow', I rather like that element about it. I prefer a slow build up than being thrown in at the deep end. Again, there seems to be too much demand for constant action these days and as a result the developers really have blurred what were once defined lines between genres. This is a welcome difference and harks back to the likes of Resident Evil 1 and 2 where there were spells of simply trawling corridors figuring out where to go next or what needs resolving in order to progress. That's part of the fun…! Those upwards of 25 will probably understand that…!

I wouldn't say it's an outright horror, not from what I've seen anyway. However it certainly builds up a lot of tension and suspension with the lighting and sound effects. I've seen a couple of decent jump scares too, but of course I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen as much as I have. Could I call it a 'survival horror'…? Hmm…the jury is still out on that one. I've seen and played much scarier games for sure, but it has it's moments. It's certainly survival and it does survival in the manner I which I like it. No endless shooting (remember – it's not an FPS). No endless action, not giving you time to absorb the atmosphere (again, remember it's not an FPS)… You have to think of where to position yourself. You have a few puzzles to work out and enemies which thanks to limited weaponry, are difficult to bring down unless you can avoid conflict. It requires a bit of thought and not just relentless 'bang, bang, bang'. It's bliss, to me. It goes into the stealth side more – a side which has so sorely been lacking in most games of it’s nature in recent years.

As I don't want to spoil the rest of the game for myself with a possible purchase in mind, I'm reluctant to see any more. Therefore I probably won't be adding any further to this until such time I've played it for myself/completed it e.t.c…

My biggest dilemma is whether to get it now for my PS3, or try and hang on until I get my PS4 – which I suspect is probably going to be early January. I might try and hang off and wait, just to see if there will be a sensibly priced bundle in the post-Christmas sales (fingers crossed) or whether the game on it's own my drop in price. You know me – I rarely pay full retail price for anything…!
Aliens vs Colonial Marines was barely medicore. The gameplay was all over the place on that. Isolation is (or at least appears to be) considerably more polished than that.

Anyway folks, I think I've seen enough of this game now to know that I've more or less got my heart set on getting it. I've seen around an hour and a half's worth of footage and I go really like what I see. It gets the provisional 'thumbs up' from me.

Whilst I understand other people's views on it being 'slow', I rather like that element about it. I prefer a slow build up than being thrown in at the deep end. Again, there seems to be too much demand for constant action these days and as a result the developers really have blurred what were once defined lines between genres. This is a welcome difference and harks back to the likes of Resident Evil 1 and 2 where there were spells of simply trawling corridors figuring out where to go next or what needs resolving in order to progress. That's part of the fun…! Those upwards of 25 will probably understand that…!

I wouldn't say it's an outright horror, not from what I've seen anyway. However it certainly builds up a lot of tension and suspension with the lighting and sound effects. I've seen a couple of decent jump scares too, but of course I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen as much as I have. Could I call it a 'survival horror'…? Hmm…the jury is still out on that one. I've seen and played much scarier games for sure, but it has it's moments. It's certainly survival and it does survival in the manner I which I like it. No endless shooting (remember – it's not an FPS). No endless action, not giving you time to absorb the atmosphere (again, remember it's not an FPS)… You have to think of where to position yourself. You have a few puzzles to work out and enemies which thanks to limited weaponry, are difficult to bring down unless you can avoid conflict. It requires a bit of thought and not just relentless 'bang, bang, bang'. It's bliss, to me. It goes into the stealth side more – a side which has so sorely been lacking in most games of it’s nature in recent years.

As I don't want to spoil the rest of the game for myself with a possible purchase in mind, I'm reluctant to see any more. Therefore I probably won't be adding any further to this until such time I've played it for myself/completed it e.t.c…

My biggest dilemma is whether to get it now for my PS3, or try and hang on until I get my PS4 – which I suspect is probably going to be early January. I might try and hang off and wait, just to see if there will be a sensibly priced bundle in the post-Christmas sales (fingers crossed) or whether the game on it's own my drop in price. You know me – I rarely pay full retail price for anything…!

Yeah i would probably wait until when you get a PS4 (January). By then, Alien Isolation might be cheaper too!
Hayman, the Resi 2 comparison is very apt. As with that game a lot of it is spent backtracking, doing kind of basic tasks and not really fighting anything. Except that this is more like Resi 3 in that every once in a while a thing will turn up that will probably kill you.

I really want to like the game but it's just so slow and where as with Resi you didn't know what enemy type might turn up next, here it's always going to a be a human, android or an alien. Resi 2 was a much better game.
alien isolation is a crasy a$$ game first person views from outter space aliens that can kill you at sight what more can you ask for really for me its 5 out of 5 it has a tom clancy feel being that you have to think about who you kill what you kill stratigic thinking this games is highly recomended to my friends and a top 5 for me
I didn't like it all that much. That and I sucked at playing the game...so I was more encouraged in playing other games instead. I tried though.

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