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Guess I'm getting to old to game.


New Member
I got four PS4 games for Christmas and I suck at them all. Can't get past the tank level in BF4, can't get past the first mission in Killzone, can't get past the 2nd mission (I believe its the second) in Assassins Creed.

I know I quit gaming for like 13 years or so, thought I could come back -guess not.
Since you have already quit gaming for 13 years than the problem isn't so much so your age. I think it's your skills that are rusty. You already got four games so don't give up yet. Keep playing and I'm sure you'll get back in the game in no time.
Just play when you feel like it,if you cant get past a certain bit,go back later,or ask here or google for help on anything.
If you stop now you may miss out on great things later.
True, the longer you walk away from games the harder it is to pick it back up. I've found that games now are easier then they were when I was a kid but if you're stuck there isn't anything wrong with looking up solutions. I've done it before when I couldn't figure out what to do especially when it comes to puzzles. Just keep playing and you'll get back into the swing of things.
Noooooo...Don't give up! Seriously. It just takes some practice. Gaming has changed a lot in 13 years. Tell you what though. It's a lot better. Definitely worth taking the time to not give up so quickly, I promise. I find so much more satisfaction gaming nowadays versus 13 years ago. The graphics are better, the stories are better, everything is better. Just practice. I sucked at CoD when I started playing it years back. Now I still suck, but can hold my own ;) Still have to practice on BF4, but I have fun trying!
Thanks, didn't expect all positive feedback to be honest. I am getting better at Assassins Creed after my wife showed me what to do, and I'm starting to have some fun with it. Battlefield 4 on the other hand. I tried online for like 20 minutes and I'm thankful I am way to old for the draft lol
Uhh you're never to old to game. Well I guess that's easy for me to say since I'm 16, but you can really play games at any age you want. You should never, ever, make it a priority though but it is definitely something you can do in the free time!
Battlefield 4 on the other hand. I tried online for like 20 minutes and I'm thankful I am way to old for the draft lol

Im so used to CoD that when I playe BF4 I almost feel the same,but keep at it and over time you get better,you get more familiar with map layouts,places to hide,and where enemies hide,what classes and load outs work best for you. And after some time it falls slowly into place.

So apart from BF4 have you got CoD Ghosts? CoD games are usually more fast paced and arcadey than BF but can be fun too if you are new to it.

Im talking about the mulitplayer aspects of these games ofcourse.

The SP campaigns are OK but once done the you may as well keep trying MP.
Im so used to CoD that when I playe BF4 I almost feel the same,but keep at it and over time you get better,you get more familiar with map layouts,places to hide,and where enemies hide,what classes and load outs work best for you. And after some time it falls slowly into place.

So apart from BF4 have you got CoD Ghosts? CoD games are usually more fast paced and arcadey than BF but can be fun too if you are new to it.

Im talking about the mulitplayer aspects of these games ofcourse.

The SP campaigns are OK but once done the you may as well keep trying MP.

Seems I am bad at BF4 single player as well. Anyway, no I don't have COD, someone told me BF4 was better to I got it, only other PS4 games I have are Assassins Creed, Knack, Killzone & those two free games from PS+
How old are you? My uncle is already 40 years old but he still is playing a lot of video games. He's not as good as he once was, say when he was in his late twenties but he doesn't question himself if he's already too old for gaming. It doesn't matter if you do good or not. Just try to enjoy the games as much as possible. And, do try to look for cheats if you really are stuck in one area. :D
You're never to old to play games. I don't care what anybody says. As people have already said, don't give up. Keep at it. Like Oberon said, if you can't get past a certain level/boss come back to it later. It's what I do. Then I come back and usually am able to pass it. It's all about easing back into it. ;)
I'm 23 years old and have given up gaming. It got to the point where 10 minutes of gaming was too much, and often fell asleep. Plus like you, my skills went down the crapper.

On the plus side, I'll be saving money and will be able to concentrate on my studies 100%
I'm 23 years old and have given up gaming. It got to the point where 10 minutes of gaming was too much, and often fell asleep. Plus like you, my skills went down the crapper.

On the plus side, I'll be saving money and will be able to concentrate on my studies 100%

I've not given up, by no means. I just learned FPSers are not my thing, and I can live with that. Thinking about picking up Madden 25, I've always been an RPG, Action/adventure & sports game player. Kind stinks I got two FPSers for Christmas though.
My problem is not so much that my skills are rusty, my problem is time, I barely have any time to do the chores around the house, work and sleep.
And when I have the chance to pick up a game I can't really concentrate on it, maybe I am too old for gaming.
I feel you, I am 36 and just got FIFA for the first time, omg I am getting my butt handed to me all over the place. I am 3(wins)6(draws) and 29(losses) but it is so addicting I cant stop haha. Hopefully you and I will both improve soon!
You're never too old to game. It's just that some games are either leisurely, self-challenging, or aggressively competitive. Your skills can actually start to suck or you just can't get into it when the game is competitive--like playing online--but with a self-challenging/leisurely-sit-back-and-enjoy-the-experience game, your performance shouldn't be a major issue since you're not measuring your skill against other human players. It's just you, the computer, and whatever hostile environment the game throws at you.

If you can't do a level or finish off a boss, try again or check walkthroughs. Also, games now are 3D for the most part and have lots of room to run about/distance yourself if needed. It's not like the late 80s-mid 90s when the games were 2D, there was only one way to beat someone, and riming was what made your skills useful to begin with :p

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