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Great games are rare these days?


New Member
Does anybody feel that great games are so rare to come by these days? I have followed video games for a decade now, and I am quite disappointed with things as they are. The PS4 has been great at handling multiplatform games and remasters, but it has yet to get a must-have exclusive, don't you think? We are now two years into the new cycle, and all we have got is a plethora of remasters and very few new quality IPs. Games are delayed again and again, and when they are eventually released, they never live up to the hype. My faith in this generation is really wavering!
You have a point.
Although Im still glad I got my PS4 on launch day I think the excitement of the PS4 is not the same like it was with the PS3,PS2 and even PS1.At least when compared tp early days of all consoles.
I think its improved ofcourse now over time since launch,but we are still not there yet in terms of exclusive prime PS4 games.
I think we all agree that the best days of PS4 are yet to come.As is usually the case over time with consoles anyway.
Totally agree with the OP and have been saying the same for a while now myself. We all seem to be in a state of telling ourselves " oh it WILL get better " , hoping that next year will be awsome, but 2 years and counting and we're still scratcing our heads going, mmm, this is dissapointing so far.

This piece by gamespot sums it up perfectly as well. HUGELY dissapointing so far.

As per this piece, in the first 2 years of the Xb360, PS3, ( where we are now with the Xb1 and PS4 ) we have genre defining improvements with stupendous games such as Oblivion, Gears of War, Uncharted 1, Bioshcok and COD4.

What game on next gen in it's first 2 years can match the greatness of these or even come close ???


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Yes, I just saw the video posted on Gamespot this morning and I was so glad that my sentiments towards this gen are not unique at all. I still remember quite vividly the launch period for the last-gen consoles. Although PS3 suffered some setbacks, Xbox 360 got many great games AT LAUNCH. Developers set new standards and wowed people with not just graphics but whole new ways to play, and I was genuinely awed. These consoles were also powerhouses on par with the most powerful PCs. Today even the PS4 is way behind, and there have been many complaints about performance already. I really hope that things will look up soon, because the next few months appear quite bleak to me. Only Bloodborne, Arkham Knight and Witcher 3.

We are not getting any innovation, but clearly the indie games have become more popular and some have proven a real delight to play. I just crave games that both look good and play well, and most importantly, have novel elements. I want to scream out "Enough with the remasters already", but nobody seems to care, with many gamers telling the haters to shut up, and game reviewers giving enviable scores to these rehashes. It is as if devs could not care less to pump out new ideas and actually make some new games. If you look at the top scores in Metacritic right now, it's actually very depressing to see that many top positions are held by remasters and cross-gens.
The problem is what do the devs do next, we have the annual (nearly) rehash of all our favourite games and they are a safe bet for the devs, it would take balls to throw millions at a completely new type of game hoping it'll take off so i am afraid we will be playing the likes of FIFA 17 and Far Cry 6 in the not too distant future.
Players who were hooked on Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, and Call of Duty 3 were hardly going to leave in droves just because Call of Duty 4 was Modern Warfare, hardly a risk was it.
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i see what OP is saying. i cant think of many awsome or amazing games from 2014, maybe
3. binding of isaac rebirth
2.smash br... i mean, dragon age
1. shadow of mordor
thats not a very good list but its what came with 2014
i see what OP is saying. i cant think of many awsome or amazing games from 2014, maybe
3. binding of isaac rebirth
2.smash br... i mean, dragon age
1. shadow of mordor
thats not a very good list but its what came with 2014

It's pretty sad when you can only list 3 games. I do want to add Alien Isolation. It's so great I can't even play it because it scared the ever living **** out of me (and I'm a huge Dead Space fan!). But I am in full agreement. This generation has been lack luster at best. I have 3 games for PS4 and I only regularly play 1. The other two are Alien Isolation and Little Big Planet (which I only play with my girlfriend). There hasn't been a game I had to run out and preorder yet. Uncharted I was ready to, but we have to wait another year for that.
I would add Far Cry 4 to the list as well; I have plenty of fun playing it even though the story is seriously lacking. But there's a real danger of Far Cry turning into an annual franchise as well. We are having a drought of games this year again. I hope E3 will reveal something we can all look forward to.

2014 was the year of the Wii U. Many great titles all came out on this platform that was once so derided. But 1st party support could only go so far, I'm afraid the Wii U will have a shortage of titles this year as well.

I'm certain things will improve for us PS4 owners over time, but what if this cylce cannot last as long as the last? I mean hardware capabilities are developing at a breakneck speed, in a few years the PC will be light years ahead. I'm worried because people are already expressing concerns over the PS4's limitations.
Alien Isolation, Far cry, shadow of morodor, you forgetting these are multiplat titles.

It's the exclusives that are the big issue here for PS4 owners i have a problem with.

The Order,

YAWNnnnn all of them are pretty poor....

Uncharted would have hopefully changed all that... hope it still will, but still... 2016 SPRING!!! :(
Alien Isolation, Far cry, shadow of morodor, you forgetting these are multiplat titles.

It's the exclusives that are the big issue here for PS4 owners i have a problem with.

The Order,

YAWNnnnn all of them are pretty poor....

Uncharted would have hopefully changed all that... hope it still will, but still... 2016 SPRING!!! :(

You forgot to mention " the last of us remastered", dragon age inquisition lol.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I want to lament about the lack of titles in general and not just in exclusives. Of course, exclusives are even poorer. I'm looking forward to seeing if Bloodborne can actually buck this trend. If Uncharted is moved to 2016, then Sony had better fill the calendar with blockbuster exclusives to make up for the dearth of quality games we have been experiencing.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I want to lament about the lack of titles in general and not just in exclusives. Of course, exclusives are even poorer. I'm looking forward to seeing if Bloodborne can actually buck this trend. If Uncharted is moved to 2016, then Sony had better fill the calendar with blockbuster exclusives to make up for the dearth of quality games we have been experiencing.

There's a rumor going around that another studio is working on an HD remake of Uncharted 1-3. Again, this is rumor and not confirmed but even though we're all saying "dammit, another remake", it could at least bridge the gap for the holiday season.

Even we're starting to get sick of PlayStation 4 re-releases now, but we'd happily put aside our port fatigue for an Uncharted Collection on Sony's latest machine. There have been rumours regarding upgraded versions of Nathan Drake's previous escapades for a while now, and with sequel Uncharted 4: A Thief's End delayed, it's looking like a good fit for Christmas.

And it could be in production at Bluepoint Games, assuming that you're willing to read into a couple of job listings that it's posted. The firm – which is perhaps best known for the God of War Collection and the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection – is currently hiring for a remaster of a "critically acclaimed franchise on a current-generation console".

It does list PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as the platforms in the post overviews, but it's very specific in the recruitment text about this being a single format thing. Of course, it could be referring to any number of properties, but we know that the Austin-based outfit has a good relationship with Sony. There are also other hints elsewhere in the advertisements.

For example, the VFX Artist position mentions that one of the candidate's responsibilities will include "mastering a proprietary game engine effects pipeline". This seemingly rules out titles built on the likes of the Unreal Engine, and tends to allude to something like Naughty Dog's own internal engine, which only it uses.

Even more intriguingly, it posted a job listing in late 2014, requesting a Character Artist to help it to "remaster a highly acclaimed AAA handheld product on a current-generation console". That one only referenced the PS4 as the intended system. Interestingly, a rumour from last year suggested that PlayStation Vita exclusive Uncharted: Golden Abyss would feature as part of a hypothetical Master Thief Collection.

While Naughty Dog did handle production of The Last of Us Remastered internally, we suspect that porting four titles to the PS4 while still trying to complete Uncharted 4 would stretch the studio a little too thin. Bluepoint Games certainly has the pedigree to do the property justice, though, and we reckon that all of this seems logical.

Of course, we are connecting dots here, so don't take this as a confirmation by any means. However, we do reckon that some kind of Uncharted Collection with beta access for the franchise's forthcoming native PS4 foray would be a compelling proposition this Christmas. Would you buy it, though? Sing along to Nate's Theme in the comments section below.
Well, I was about to make that joke. I thought us PS fans would be offered some kind of Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection to compensate for the delay and match last year's Master Chief Collection on Xbox! But this is hardly surprising.

They may want to delay the announcement until E3 and make a tantalising showcase to trick us all into thinking this is excellent news. Nathan Drake in 1080p! 60 fps! All three at the price of one! I feel sorry for all those fellas renting Uncharted on Playstation Now.

Good god, we need to get rid of all these remasters or else the generation is doomed. This generation has had no characteristic nor personality so far, living day by day in the glory of the previous. Now there is also a Devil May Cry 4 remake coming. Seriously? Capcom must be so desperate to bring back a title that was out in 2008!

Looking on the bright side, I can at least enjoy some Uncharted and not regretting skipping the PS3 for the PS4 so much.
The problem is that there is no competition: PS4 costs 399€, X1 costs 399€. Games costs the same for both consoles too. Both companies and all the big software houses are agree to set up the market like that, a.k.a. globalization, so they don't have the urgency to sell something technologicaly new. If it wasn't for the exclusives, there would be no difference, it's ridiculous. Competition pushes the quality up and creates healthy differences among products. However, we will never see them.
The problem is that there is no competition: PS4 costs 399€, X1 costs 399€. Games costs the same for both consoles too. Both companies and all the big software houses are agree to set up the market like that, a.k.a. globalization, so they don't have the urgency to sell something technologicaly new. If it wasn't for the exclusives, there would be no difference, it's ridiculous. Competition pushes the quality up and creates healthy differences among products. However, we will never see them.
I see your point but to a degree I do disagree with you. These price points have been standard for years. I remember NES I believe was 300 and the games were still about 60. And the Masters system was about the same If anything ts cheaper today when you count inflation. Now to talk about competition. Remember back a couple years ago, Sony and Microsoft were competing for better hardware and Sony blindsided them with the specs of ps4 and it was cheaper. Remember Xbox one was a hundred dollars more. They only dropped the price because Sony was beating the crap out of them.

Now when it comes to the cross platform games I agree. This is where a lot of the time it doesn't matter. Now when you think back in the 8 bit to 32 bit generations, the industry was still pretty new and it was cheaper to make games and sometimes could be produced and released in weeks. Today, games cost millions to produce, can take years, and if you release it for one console, its a much limited reach. By releasing cross platform you maximize profits. Exclusives get a lot of money from sony and Microsoft so they can offset those costs and release only on their console.
I see your point but to a degree I do disagree with you.

Nice, if we always agreed, there'd be no debate :)

When you talk about the old generation (PS3, X360) I agree with you: we had a quite healthy market and we could choose what was the best for us.
Now instead, even the annual fee for the online features costs the same: PSN+ 59,99€, XboX Live 59,99€. The bundles (console + game) are the same for both brands. The controllers cost the same, 64,99€. There is no commercial battle anymore, nothing. The only stuff that changes, is the color of the carton box. When we really see some differences in prices, is because our local shops decided to dump prices or whatever.

About the hardware, I agree with you, but do you remember the story with AC Unity? At the beginning it was planned to make it 1080p for PS4 and 720p for Xbox (the values might be incorrect, I go memory). But something didn't work so we got 720p for PS4 too. The truth is that we have no choice because both brands decided to divide their market in two equal parts. If we are blue like Sony or green like Microsoft it's just an illusion.

This said, I will be gaming untill I can breath anyway :grin
The problem is that there is no competition: PS4 costs 399€, X1 costs 399€. Games costs the same for both consoles too. Both companies and all the big software houses are agree to set up the market like that, a.k.a. globalization, so they don't have the urgency to sell something technologicaly new. If it wasn't for the exclusives, there would be no difference, it's ridiculous. Competition pushes the quality up and creates healthy differences among products. However, we will never see them.

I agree with this point also, but i would say the competition from MS is far better than people are giving it credit for and i believe it's SONY who needs to raise their game ( literlarly ) right now. Yes the hardware is what got SONY to win the opening of the next gen era, but they seriously need some killer software to back this up with now. Whereas XB side of things ( software wise ) they are going strength to strength and sooner or later people will start to realize the better excuslvies are ON Xb1... At the moment and for 2015.

Remember i have both PS4 and XB1 and love both consoles and companies equally but as a pure gamer... it's hard to argue with this.

Forza Horizon 2 is a masterpiece that The crew, Driveclub, and a lot of other open world driving games haven't been able to match
Forza 5 - despite it being a 3rd the size of Forza 4, is still a wonderful game to play and currently the best next Gen driving sim
Sunset Overdrive - a greatfun game that Infamous wasn't.
RYSE - Graphically fantasic. Superb story, unique gameplay that is far more tactical than it's given credit for.
TitanFall my Game of the Year 2014 - Put the FUN, back into FPS and reminded me why i enjoyed COD4 so much!
Halo Master Chief Collection - Yes the MP is a mess as in you get chucked from one lobby to the next at the end of each round, but 5 SP campaigns for £40 ( HALO OST is being given for free as thanks for buying the game and apology to fans for MP mess, ADD the nightfall TV series ( very good ) AND all the other stuff on the disc, is how ALL HD remasteres should be done.
Ori and the Blind forest - If you think The Order or Rayman legends is the best looking game on your consoles... your wrong...

And to come this year 2015 exclusive to XBox

World of Tanks (Free)
Quantic Break
GEARS of War HD collection
Tomb Raider _ Rise of the Tomb Raider
Halo 5 Guardians

And what have SONY got counter all this ???

Bloodbourne ( only if you like Dark Souls )
No Man's Sky
and rumours of an Uncharted HD remake...

It's not even close really is it ?

I love my PS4, i really do, but it's gathering dust apart from TLOU MP and Samurai Warriors 4, as all the exciting exclusive stuff out and on the way, and i'm sorry if this is uncomfortable reading for some, is XB side. There is competiton just one company is sitting back thinking they have already won and it ain't MS or Nintendo...
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