The problem is that there is no competition: PS4 costs 399€, X1 costs 399€. Games costs the same for both consoles too. Both companies and all the big software houses are agree to set up the market like that, a.k.a. globalization, so they don't have the urgency to sell something technologicaly new. If it wasn't for the exclusives, there would be no difference, it's ridiculous. Competition pushes the quality up and creates healthy differences among products. However, we will never see them.
I agree with this point also, but i would say the competition from MS is far better than people are giving it credit for and i believe it's SONY who needs to raise their game ( literlarly ) right now. Yes the hardware is what got SONY to win the opening of the next gen era, but they seriously need some killer software to back this up with now. Whereas XB side of things ( software wise ) they are going strength to strength and sooner or later people will start to realize the better excuslvies are ON Xb1... At the moment and for 2015.
Remember i have both PS4 and XB1 and love both consoles and companies equally but as a pure gamer... it's hard to argue with this.
Forza Horizon 2 is a masterpiece that The crew, Driveclub, and a lot of other open world driving games haven't been able to match
Forza 5 - despite it being a 3rd the size of Forza 4, is still a wonderful game to play and currently the best next Gen driving sim
Sunset Overdrive - a greatfun game that Infamous wasn't.
RYSE - Graphically fantasic. Superb story, unique gameplay that is far more tactical than it's given credit for.
TitanFall my Game of the Year 2014 - Put the FUN, back into FPS and reminded me why i enjoyed COD4 so much!
Halo Master Chief Collection - Yes the MP is a mess as in you get chucked from one lobby to the next at the end of each round, but 5 SP campaigns for £40 ( HALO OST is being given for free as thanks for buying the game and apology to fans for MP mess, ADD the nightfall TV series ( very good ) AND all the other stuff on the disc, is how ALL HD remasteres should be done.
Ori and the Blind forest - If you think The Order or Rayman legends is the best looking game on your consoles... your wrong...
And to come this year 2015 exclusive to XBox
World of Tanks (Free)
Quantic Break
GEARS of War HD collection
Tomb Raider _ Rise of the Tomb Raider
Halo 5 Guardians
And what have SONY got counter all this ???
Bloodbourne ( only if you like Dark Souls )
No Man's Sky
and rumours of an Uncharted HD remake...
It's not even close really is it ?
I love my PS4, i really do, but it's gathering dust apart from TLOU MP and Samurai Warriors 4, as all the exciting exclusive stuff out and on the way, and i'm sorry if this is uncomfortable reading for some, is XB side. There is competiton just one company is sitting back thinking they have already won and it ain't MS or Nintendo...