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Godzilla coming to the PS3/PS4 in 2015!


Well-Known Member
Yep. Godzilla will be heading to both the PS3 and PS4 next year!

Check out the announcement trailer below:

The goal is to “take out each area’s Energy Generator while collecting as much G-Energy as possible,” says Namco Bandai.

“The G-Energy can then be used to power-up Godzilla, increasing both his physical size as well as his offensive and defensive skills.”

The game will feature multiple game modes including a Mission Mode where “players will wreak mayhem through more than 20 different stages of play”; a Diorama Mode that allows players to “design their own dioramas of Godzilla’s destruction”; and a King of Monsters Mode where Godzilla must take on iconic enemies.

Source: http://www.playstationtrophies.org/...lla-Clomps-Onto-PS3---PS4-in-Summer-2015.html

Have a feeling this won't be very good, but I... still want it :eek:

Cpt Blackadder

New Member
rather not play a game that's based around the character of my ex wife...

Angry, foul mouthed, cold hearted, lizard... aka Godzilla, aka my ex :(

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