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Game sharing with a friend in a different country

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New Member
My friend and me want to share our games like family share which we do with steam on pc
But problem here is I'm worried if we're gonna get banned because some people keep on saying "yes you will and you should" and some say "no you wont"
My friend watched videos saying we won't get banned while I find videos we will.
I'm atm moved in Bangladesh but will move to South Africa and my friend is from South Africa but we don't know if we can
Proof of convo
ps4 issues.png
As far as I know, this is a pretty gray area. The way people usually share games digitally is by logging into each other's accounts and downloading them on their PlayStations. And as far as I know, that's not banable per se, but definitely hits a very gray area on what's acceptable behavior. As such, not sure I can condone that. Usually just best to buy your own games and be safe about it :) I've also never shared games before. At least since the PS3 days (and that was a disc I borrowed). Someone else here might have a better idea on how this works.
As far as I know, this is a pretty gray area. The way people usually share games digitally is by logging into each other's accounts and downloading them on their PlayStations. And as far as I know, that's not banable per se, but definitely hits a very gray area on what's acceptable behavior. As such, not sure I can condone that. Usually just best to buy your own games and be safe about it :) I've also never shared games before. At least since the PS3 days (and that was a disc I borrowed). Someone else here might have a better idea on how this works.
Thanks for replying yeah I'm confused as well and its not that I'm sharing games with randoms I only share games with guys I know in real life but yeah this whole grey area if it does ban someone I have to owe him games if his account gets bannedlol
But yeah I'll buy my own maybe when I'm in South Africa I'll family share so don't risk getting banned
Another question if I buy the console and make my account lets say "South Africa" while I'm in Bangladesh will I get banned or what because question is what will I do if I move to South Africa like making a new account ?
P.S thanks for helping a newbie
Another question if I buy the console and make my account lets say "South Africa" while I'm in Bangladesh will I get banned or what because question is what will I do if I move to South Africa like making a new account ?
P.S thanks for helping a newbie

I don't believe you will get banned if you have an account in one country and go to another. I mean, it's not illegal to move lol. Only thing I've seen here is people who have moved to another region may not be able to use certain network features from the original region. But you can still play the game. I've never been out of the US with my console so I have no first hand experience with this, but a couple of the other guys on here have. Traffic is slow here right now but regular members who do support come on at least a couple times a week so hold tight :)
I don't believe you will get banned if you have an account in one country and go to another. I mean, it's not illegal to move lol. Only thing I've seen here is people who have moved to another region may not be able to use certain network features from the original region. But you can still play the game. I've never been out of the US with my console so I have no first hand experience with this, but a couple of the other guys on here have. Traffic is slow here right now but regular members who do support come on at least a couple times a week so hold tight :)

Sorry for the late reply I forgot my password over here but thanks for helping me with my questions
The Last of Us is a really good game. I have it on PS3 (didn't see the need to buy it again since it looked amazing on PS3 to begin with) and let me tell you, you will not be disappointed.
If you havent played it on PS3 defo get it on PS4,I did and at first I thought 'hey,theres not much to it,but very soon after you discover there's more going on and more to do as you go on.
Cant wait for The Last of Us 2.
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