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Game books, hints, cheats, etc.


Long time ago, when you bought a game, it came with a manual of sorts that would help you for the game. Now, there is nothing..

Where do you guys go to get hints, cheats, details about the game, etc., to help you progress?

I am terrible at some games and I need help to move on.. :)
Yeah, youtube is usually my first port of call but only if there is no hope. I really wish more games would give you the option of turning all hints/HUD/Objective markers off. Too many times have I been confonted by a big neon thing screaming 'GO HERE!'.

That said, in my youth I bought an Xploder cheat disc that didn't do a huge amount and was an extensively ugly solution. I also got a free book with a game magazine that had a lot of cheats in. I kept it for the GTA cheats mostly, because while I still remember most of them now, there were a few I always forgot.
I go to youtube but often times they go so fast thru the screens. I have to repeat it several times!

I am getting old.. :)
Youtube is go since a lot of games have walkthroughs, but I agree sometimes it's hard to see so if I can't quite understand the video there's always forums, online communities like Miiverse, or good ol' gamefaqs and sites like that that have detailed info on the game.

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