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Food game


I am going to start a Alphabet game.
I start with A
then next poster uses the letter B to name a food, then next after that C for another food and so on.
A for
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AH, but you broke the rule! You had to post a food item starting with "D" :o

OMG I AM SO STUPID AHAH. I read it as the last letter from the previous post :o that is embarassing xD. Let's say I never wrote that and continue shall we ;)? Ermmmm
D is for Doughnuts!
OMG I AM SO STUPID AHAH. I read it as the last letter from the previous post :o that is embarassing xD. Let's say I never wrote that and continue shall we ;)? Ermmmm
D is for Doughnuts!

Never wrote what? :p

E is for Eggs!

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