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[Female Only Clan] LADIIEZ is Recruiting!


New Member

Our LADIIEZ clan is strictly female. We are on Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, Destiny, Black Ops 3, GTA 5, and/or wherever else you'd like to represent LADIIEZ on. We are currently working on getting things ready for the PC and XBOX side, so as of right now, we are active on the PS4.

If you like to get competitive, but also like to have fun doing it, then LADIIEZ is for you. We recently joined GameBattles and The Central Outpost for competitive gaming.

To join;
- You must be a female
- 18+
- Use a mic
If you still want to be in the crew without being 18+ and/or have a mic, then you can still apply on the site, Rockstar Social Club, or adding SteffyCxox on PSN. I hope you decide to join! :)

w w w . l a d i i e z . c o m

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