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Farsi language

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New Member
Iran agreed with America
We do not sanction
So the Iranian users Support
Please Persian language Add to your games

با گوگل ترنسلر اینکارو کردم فکر کنم ریدم نه؟;)


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
I'm sorry. I'm having trouble following this thread. leftovers, are you currently in Iran and now that the sanctions have been lifted, you want more support for your video games in your native language?


New Member
I'm sorry. I'm having trouble following this thread. leftovers, are you currently in Iran and now that the sanctions have been lifted, you want more support for your video games in your native language?
actually, we want to play video games in the Persian language, over 120M people speak Farsi(Persian) and it is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
a great number of gamers in middle-east (including Iran) speak Farsi but there is no video game that supports our language.
we want you to add Farsi into "Console and PSN Supported Languages"
and I'm sure many people we'll do the translation voluntarily.

thank you for your concern
sincerely, setayesh
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