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Don't make the same mistake I did...


[Internet games] Don't make the same mistake I did...

I would like to share an experience I have had recently.

On the internet I've found this game:



which seems to be free to play. I was curious so I subscribed it and played it for some time. After a couple of weeks, while my progresses were going further, I've understood that in order to enjoy the game better, I'd have to buy some credits with real money. So I've spent 15 Euros to buy some of those credits (in the form of rubies, but this is a detail). Almost suddenly I've realized that 15 Euros were not enough to make what I wanted to make, so I've spent 15 Euros more. I did it three times until I've felt like I was a stupid puppet, in the hands of who-knows-whom, victim of my curiosity and my greed. And the game basically was like it was when I started it.

There are many kind of games like this, which get your money in a very intelligent way... well, probably such way is intelligent because I have been extremely stupid. Anyway, the result is that I wasted my money and I wish to warn whoever is going to play one of these tricky games. Do not pay for them because they do not add anything to your enjoyment!

I've lost only 45 Euros, not a big sum and far from being a disaster, but I lost them in a very foolish way, blown away under my nose while I was there looking like an idiot, and I can only blame myself for that. I thought I was an old gamer, experienced and traps-proof... but evidently I am not. About one think I am sure though: I will not make such mistake twice.
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It is hard to say you it was stolen as you chose to pay, whether it is a good idea or not, still your choice. Lots of games out there that try and get you to spend money. Call of Duty has a game for iOS, similar to Boom Beach. The further in you get the slower it takes to develop and expand in the game. If you spend some money and get some coins or whatever it is you can speed this all up. It is designed to get you to spend as you enjoy it at first but then it just slows down as you try and upgrade. I know I was playing the call of duty game on my iPad and it took a week to upgrade a building. I did not spend a dime though, I refuse to as I know it is a never ending pit in these games.

Good to learn your lesson, and thankfully you did not spend a whole lot of money.


It is hard to say you it was stolen as you chose to pay

I think I was correcting that verbe while you were writing your post, because they don't steal your money of course, you're right.

It's like when you look a beautiful woman who's showing you too much skin. She is not stealing your attention but.. hey... lower that skirt baby or I will steal your shoes!! :grin


Sniper Kitten
Staff member
I'm just gonna leave this here :)



I'm just gonna leave this here :)


Yeah. There's a troop of people out there, studying all weak points of our psycology, and using them for their own advantage only.

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