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Does AC Origins play at 60 FPS PS plus


New Member
I’m about to get a PS5. I’m deciding between the disc and digital version.

I know AC Origins had a patch a couple years ago to make it 60 FPS. Does that patch work on the PlayStation Plus subscription, or does it need the disc and an update from Ubisoft?

I’m about to get a PS5. I’m deciding between the disc and digital version.
If you're getting PS5, get the slim. Secondly, disc and digital are the same game. If you buy it physical, that's the full game. If you buy it digital, that's the full game. Both will ping the server for updates.
I know AC Origins had a patch a couple years ago to make it 60 FPS. Does that patch work on the PlayStation Plus subscription, or does it need the disc and an update from Ubisoft?

PlayStation Plus subscription gets you online, but the Extra and Premium tiers bring you games like AC Origins. But that's going to be tied to your account, tied to your subscription. So, if your subscription ends, you won't be able to play AC Origins. That's why I don't rely on that.

So, make sure you - when you decide digital, buy it, not rely on subscription. Make sense?

It really depends who you are. Are you physical? Are you digital? Me? I'm chateau physical until the day everything goes digital. I hate this digital future. HATE.

I just wanted to be sure the subscription based does have 60 FPS. I played the game briefly before, but it didn't really engage me. Just wanted to give it another shot-along with other games- using the PS+ subscription.

I hear ya on the digital versions of everything. It struck me many years ago with PC gaming and Steam. I don't own an actual game, just their "permission" to download and use it. What if the company folds? Even if you actually bought it, you have no physical copy. Meanwhile, catridges for NES and SNES etc form 30+ years ago still work. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it is weird the direction we are headed in.

I just wanted to be sure the subscription based does have 60 FPS. I played the game briefly before, but it didn't really engage me. Just wanted to give it another shot-along with other games- using the PS+ subscription.
The straight answer is yes. You're practically downloading the game. It will ping the server for updates. Cloud or not... it will ping the server.
I hear ya on the digital versions of everything. It struck me many years ago with PC gaming and Steam. I don't own an actual game, just their "permission" to download and use it. What if the company folds? Even if you actually bought it, you have no physical copy. Meanwhile, catridges for NES and SNES etc form 30+ years ago still work. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it is weird the direction we are headed in.
I started with NES, then Genesis, then SNES, then N64, then PlayStation... the rest is history. PS2, PS3, PS4... Now PS5.

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