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Do You Still Play PSone?

I still play my PSone as well! I can always enjoy a run of Silent Bomber! I love that game so much and I have good memories.
Valkyrie Profile is another game that I like to play from time to time on PSOne. I mean that game is a piece of art, seriously!
If i still had mine i would. A friend of mine pulled his out one day and we were playing it. It brought back so many memories.
I lost mine in a house fire a few years ago. It very sad. I still own have my PS2 though, but damn I miss my PSOne.
No. I never play PS1 ever. I don't really have a reason too either. Not with PS3 and PS4 in the picture. I have far more favorite games on those consoles than I did on PS1 and PS2 combined.

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