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Did horor games scare you as a kid?


New Member
Growing up playing the likes of Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Clock tower, they honestly had an effect on me. Those games were pretty scary to play at a young age. Of course the rating was 18 on those games, but I was playing them at around 12 and 13 year old. I think Clock tower was just so damn creepy. That guy that used to chase you with the scissors, the feelings that arose from that game for me were quite phenomenal. Of course playing it now its pretty funny(not that I play it not). Silent Hill and Resident Evil were equally as scary, there was just something about Clock Tower though that was creepy, probably the atmosphere conjured up by the suspense in the game.
They still do! The old games, not the new ones, might be because of the lack of technological restraints, nowadays developers have much more freedom, but they use it in a bad way. What we need is the original team that made Silent Hill to make a new series, i would be totally down for that!
A game that got me jumping is on the PSN Fatal Frame.
Fatal frame was know as Project zero in US and Eu
I think its under PS2 classics check it out It got some good reviews back in the day.
Horror Games did indeed frighten me as a child, but as the years passed, I've gotten used to it and they rarely scare me anymore. The only time I'll get a genuine "Scare" out of a game is when I'm using my Headset and they resort to a very loud BANG sound. Then again, that's just jump scares and doesn't really count as a horror tactic in this day and age. When I was however, I was always so slow and cautious when playing Horror Games and would only do so for an hour at a time, or during the day time. Now, I can go straight through scary games like "Amnesia" without so much as batting an eyelash.
Horror movies/themes would scare me let alone any games. Though, now they give me more of an edge when I play it, it's like the suspense gets to me, and then it's like, "BANG"!

The game that scared me the most was Resident Evil! Man, that was a really terrifying game for me when I was a kid. Another game I was really scared of was Alien vs Predator... the sound of the aliens crawling up the walls in the that game was sooooo spooky.
I use to play this game called the Legend of Kain. I am not sure if I spelled it right but that game use to creep me out. It still does creep me out and I find it hard to play it for a long period of time.

Doom didn't even freak me out compared to that game.
I was easily freaked out by horror games and movies when I was a kid and that's still the case now that I'm an adult. I find it hard to play a horror game when I'm all alone. I don't have any heart problems but I get easily frightened. Here are some of the games that have scared me the most:
-Fatal Frame 3: The Tormented
-Silent Hill 2
-Resident Evil 5
-Silent Hill 1
-Resident Evil 2
-Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
I wasn't scared too much by the games, but I did realize that they were creepy though, I just really don't scare that easily. I even preferred to play those horror games in the dark just to add to the atmosphere, and it only increased and enhanced my admiration for the people who developed these games because the suspense and feel of the whole game itself really shines through this way. I particularly liked Fatal Frame, I think I was scared by that the most.
Honestly, horror games don't scare me that much unless it's a jump scare or an abrupt sound scare.
If I turn the corner, and see a face pop up and hear a scream, of course I'll get scared, even if I'm expecting it, especially when it's very quiet in my room.
Hearing a sudden sound gets me scared.
Instead of scaring me, I think I just panicked a lot, especially during the Resident Evil days. The first time I played it, I could even kill a freaking zombie and I don't know how to find items. I just died a lot of times, being eaten by walkers. ;)
F.E.A.R. 2 used to scare me, I wasn't exactly a kid though, lol. I would play it at night, scared shitless and would have to have a nightlight on, lol I'm such a wuss but I enjoyed the game needless to say.
When I was younger I remember renting one of the silent hill games. I don't remember exactly which one it was, probably the first original one and I have to say that I didn't sleep for a few nights.
I'm such a baby with horror games - they're one of my favorite genres, but they still scare me senseless. Even the less scary games, like Calling for Wii, freak me out so much that I prefer playing with someone in the room and the lights on. Spooky atmospheres don't bug me as much, but I hate jumpscares, especially in games where I have to shoot things. I'm bad enough at aiming without being shot at! That being said, I've bought practically every horror game I've come across. Silent Hill will always be one of my favorite franchises, I can't get enough of the Dead Space games, and F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2 were amazing.

Weirdly enough, I also love horror movies, but never, ever get scared by those.
When I was a kid, I didn't play horror games. But if I had they definitely would have scared me. Heck, I was scared to play later levels in MARIO games!
But playing anything "scary" is all about context. That zombie horde charging after you is scary if you have no weapons and can't move really fast. But if you are armed to the teeth with SMGs, LMGs, and RPGs, well, not so scary then. I always felt bolder too in horror settings if I was playing duo with someone or playing online with other people.
I didn't play horror games when I was little but I did see posters and somebody play one of the Silent Hill games and that was enough for me to change my pants :P
Most horror games got me jumpy....even horror movies. To this day i do my best to stay away from horror games or movies and mostly play good old sports and clean adventure games. Life is too short to waste it being afraid.
I have to admit I am a bit of a wuss. I could never watch any horror films are play any scary games as a child. To this day I still
find it very difficult to play scary or horror games. My sisters absolutely loved them, I never got why they loved being scared.

I have recently played Resident Evil 6. I remember my sister playing the first one when I was younger and I had nightmares after
seeing just the zombie dogs! I was persuaded to play Resi 6 though and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. My sister
said though that the latest games aren't no were near as scary as the earlier titles. She said they're very generous with the ammo
and the camera angles make things jumping out less scary now.
Hell yes they did, as early as the Friday the 13th NES game. I kind of avoided survival horror for a long time, until I saw Resident Evil in a game informer or something. I had to try it, I remember playing it first as Chris and dying when that first zombie attacked you. Then I tried as Jill and she started with her Beretta, so I wasn't as scared. Played it for awhile until the dogs smashed through the window and I turned my PS1 off to avoid dying. I actually got through Silent Hill, and Persona, but the one game that really tripped me out was Clock Tower, I was too young to understand most of it though.
I remembered playing Clock Tower 3 on my PS2. I used to hook my PS2 to my Surround Sound System. The effects and sounds alone had me all in a suspense wondering what's going to happen next. Playing Clock Tower 3 has three attempts that really scared the hell out of me. It's the jumps and creepy settings. Let me tell you, it really does. The scare factor in this game is way up there. That's what you call a horror game. Spooky! :p
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