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Can't stream PS3 games on PS5. Controller non-responsive


New Member
So, I upgraded to the PlayStation Plus Premium sub so I could stream some older games. Booted up Dynasty Warriors 8 and it starts streaming. But, the PS5 controller stops working. None of the buttons (save one) are responding. The "save one" is what's especially weird. The only thing I can do is hit Square to hide tips/facts during the loading screen. But once prompted to Press Start Button to begin the game...nothing. No button responds.
So, then, I tried a different game. Decided to test another PS3 game, in particular: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Same problem. No button is responding.
Tried a PS4/PS5 game this time. Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Worked fine. So, just seems to be PS3 titles.
How can I fix this??

Please advise.


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