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Can´t change cover image on profile page


New Member
Can´t change cover image or profile picture. Four day´s ago it worked. That said I had to try alot of times.

The image I used was an ingame image. File size 171MB, dimentions 3840x2160.

Tried to change to another image with same size and dimentions, but no go for two day´s

I made a new screenshot with same dimentions and lower file size, 1.01MB today. Still not able to change my cover image on profile page.

I need to know, why it can´t load and why something went wrong.

My speed is up and down between 18mb/s to 34mb/s. Download is between 800+ to 900+ mb/s. I am on a 1k/1k connection - Lan wired

Profile picture gets

Error CE-113524-6​

Which can be fixed through disable IPv6 in router (this is set to off by default), by checking my router.
Firmware is up to date on both router and PS5

New update regarding profile picture. I get another error code E2-81FFFFFF, which I have looked up on the web - nothing came up.

New info: Was just able to change my cover image on profile page. I don´t know what´s going on, but happy it happen
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