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Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Release Date plus beta details leaked


, , The Enforcer, ,

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will be the first CoD to have a public beta since World at War.

Leaked Gamestop promo meterial shows Black Ops 3 will launch Nov 6 and supposedly everyone who pre orders will receive access to the beta.
beta apparently will be for PS4,Xbox One and PC. No mention of previous consoles.

Activision will release an official trailer shortly.
Diff way of doing dates.
11/6/2015 is Nov 6th 2015 in USA but for you in UK I guess and here in AUS we would do it this way: 6/11/2015 meaning 6th November 2015.
But you already knew that.
Diff way of doing dates.
11/6/2015 is Nov 6th 2015 in USA but for you in UK I guess and here in AUS we would do it this way: 6/11/2015 meaning 6th November 2015.
But you already knew that.

Exactly. I was getting exited and thought it would be in June
Come on guys,surely you know by now that CoD always gets a release in November?
I mean every complains that a yearly release is to much (but why play same one for 2 years?) then what would happen if they released it in June? We would never hear the end of it lol
The official word is the beta will start for PS4 August 19.
Not word for the Xbox One or PC beta release only that it will be sometime later.
Treyarch will be adding a new map as well as new game modes Uplink to the beta.
Also raising the level cap to 34.
The update should be live anytime now.

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