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Call of Duty 2014: First Image Revealed


, , The Enforcer, ,
Incase anyone doesnt know by now CoD game development are now 3 year cycles by dev's.
Previously it was 2 years,1 year by Infinity Ward and the next Treyarch.
But now with Sledgehammer developing CoD games its now a 3 year cycle.

And Sledgehammer are making this CoD for the new gen (being PS4 and Xbone) in mind,with different versions for PS3 etc,rather than cross gen like we had with Ghosts.

IGN said:
Sledgehammer's Call of Duty, which will release this fall, has been in development for nearly three years as part of the new development cycle for the series.

The unannounced title will be "next-gen first," according to publisher Activision.

And so Sledgehammer have just revealed an image showing in-game character models for the next Call of Duty game.


Credits to IGN and source for info is here: http://au.ign.com/articles/2014/04/22/call-of-duty-2014-first-image-revealed
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Now hang on,this is the first CoD to be made for next gen systems in mind,and while that doesnt mean it'll be much different in terms of the usual CoD style gameplay etc,Im still hoping it's gonna look a lot better at least.
So while I usually like CoD games,I dont like Ghosts much,my least fav,Im still hoping the next one by Sledgehammer will be a 'true' next gen CoD.
I have given up on CoD just yet.
No official word yet,only rumours it may be Modern Warfare 4. Which may actually be a good thing.
Not really a huge CoD fan, but I've played it before and I kinda liked it, the multiplayer experience is awesome. I sure do hope they bring along a much more fresh approach to the franchise
Not really a huge CoD fan, but I've played it before and I kinda liked it, the multiplayer experience is awesome. I sure do hope they bring along a much more fresh approach to the franchise

I agree. I would love it if they took a bold step and completely re-invent it. Heck I'd even like to see them go back to the WW2 days (when was the last time we had a WW1/WW2 game? I miss them.)

The only problem is that let's face it, COD is the biggest game in the world. If they change it too much, they alienate their customers/fans, and it won't sell as well. So they will play it safe. I don't blame them, I mean from a business point it's smart and safe.
I agree. I would love it if they took a bold step and completely re-invent it. Heck I'd even like to see them go back to the WW2 days (when was the last time we had a WW1/WW2 game? I miss them.)

The only problem is that let's face it, COD is the biggest game in the world. If they change it too much, they alienate their customers/fans, and it won't sell as well. So they will play it safe. I don't blame them, I mean from a business point it's smart and safe.

Yeah, fans don't really like change that much, but you have to admit, after 10 games and a span of 12 years, the game is kind of getting old. I think they should really do something to freshen up the franchise. And yes! I would definitely want to go back to WW2.
Yeah, fans don't really like change that much, but you have to admit, after 10 games and a span of 12 years, the game is kind of getting old. I think they should really do something to freshen up the franchise. And yes! I would definitely want to go back to WW2.

It's definitely old. I was a fan... up until MW2, which was the last good COD game. It just became the same ol' crap - different year.
Not really a huge CoD fan, but I've played it before and I kinda liked it, the multiplayer experience is awesome. I sure do hope they bring along a much more fresh approach to the franchise

Yeah, fans don't really like change that much, but you have to admit, after 10 games and a span of 12 years, the game is kind of getting old. I think they should really do something to freshen up the franchise. And yes! I would definitely want to go back to WW2.

I think your spot on with both these posts :)

End of the day it's a FPS so it's never going to be fresh to some as your shooting people. All i hope for is they don't make the same mistakes of COD Ghosts as i think of the lot of them that was by far the one that lost it's way the most. I've liked ( not loved ) most of the ones before. COD4 is the standout EPIC one though.

I live in hope that they bring back the MP only experience for this one. I felt GHOSTs was far too campy, not enough game modes, some of the best modes weren't even there ( HQ, Sabotage, Bare Bones )

Seeing the trailer i think they are going to take a leaf out of the titanfall game. As someone who HAS an XB1 and loves Titanfall, if this cod is like that a bit in the player movement with the COD MP, this could be a specail COD :indeed.
I hope they will include co-op missions and split screen like they did in MW3.

I do as well. I really liked the spec op missions and the different levels of hardness to unlock other missions. Was way more fun then just shooting each other on a map. I do not have high hopes they bring this back though.
I hope they will include co-op missions and split screen like they did in MW3.

I agree. There's not a lot of couch-co op games and CoD has usually supported split screen multi. Split screen Nazi zombies was what started the whole zombie craze anyway. I wouldn't even mind if it was just like spec-ops but with different missions. That mode was fun.
I think your spot on with both these posts :)

End of the day it's a FPS so it's never going to be fresh to some as your shooting people. All i hope for is they don't make the same mistakes of COD Ghosts as i think of the lot of them that was by far the one that lost it's way the most. I've liked ( not loved ) most of the ones before. COD4 is the standout EPIC one though.

I live in hope that they bring back the MP only experience for this one. I felt GHOSTs was far too campy, not enough game modes, some of the best modes weren't even there ( HQ, Sabotage, Bare Bones )

Seeing the trailer i think they are going to take a leaf out of the titanfall game. As someone who HAS an XB1 and loves Titanfall, if this cod is like that a bit in the player movement with the COD MP, this could be a specail COD :indeed.

Yeah, I just watched the trailer for Advanced Warfare and I can't help but feel a little Titanfall and Crysis in there. You're right, it all comes down to shooting people, I mean its a shooter after all and it's quite a bummer how they chopped off some the modes, Sabotage was my favorite.
It's definitely old. I was a fan... up until MW2, which was the last good COD game. It just became the same ol' crap - different year.

Couldn't agree more. But to be honest, I don't really know the next step for Call of Duty, I mean you're just going to shoot people at the end of the day, I don't see that much you bring to that. But I guess what I'm looking for is a totally new experience all in all.
Couldn't agree more. But to be honest, I don't really know the next step for Call of Duty, I mean you're just going to shoot people at the end of the day, I don't see that much you bring to that. But I guess what I'm looking for is a totally new experience all in all.

I think they need to put the franchise in a new setting. Instead of modern or in the near future, I'd rather see a full blown Sci-Fi futuristic game, set wayyyy into the future.
I don't really know the next step for Call of Duty, I mean you're just going to shoot people at the end of the day
Going by that analogy that can be said for practically all shooters then.

I don't see that much you bring to that.
Its the way you go about,how its implemented,the set ups,the maps,the weapons,the vehicles (if any,dont forget,CoD WaW had tanks on certain maps)

You really cant be that simplistic about it I think otherwise you can say all BF games are the same,all GTA games are the same,all MK games are the same etc etc

People only complain about the CoD games being the same cause they get released every year,and really thats good,cause who wants to play the exact same game for years and years? So why not have one every year.
Activision may publish a new CoD game every year,but its always been a 2 year dev cycle til now. Now with Sledgehammer making the next one,CoD games are a 3 year dev cycle.

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