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Buying an HDMI 2.1 AVR soon...do any of them work now @4K/120hz ??


New Member
Just got my PS5 and a tax refund, so setting up a 5.1 surround sound system. Got a new 65 inch Sony h900X tv ....anyone have an AVR that can do surround sound @ 4K 120 hz ?


Just got my PS5 and a tax refund, so setting up a 5.1 surround sound system. Got a new 65 inch Sony h900X tv ....anyone have an AVR that can do surround sound @ 4K 120 hz ?
Some of the Marantz units will do it for XBoxX but not the PS5. The shortage of updated chips has hurt this moving forward. Yamaha is still waiting to release their top few models because of this.


Update/// as of 3 days ago, Marantz/Denon announced an outboard adaptor you can get through their websites but it's HDMI in and out to receiver which means one of two things. Either the adaptor is pulling down FR and rez or... the adaptor it teaching the receiver's processor to stand down for a by-pass. Yamaha just announced soon to be upgrades and new higher end units.

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