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Box components in PS4


New Member
A couple of days ago, Microsoft released an unboxing video of the Xbox One in video form. While PS4 only got a hands on impression. I recently found the components that are included in the PS4.

Left to Right components: A power cable; An HDMI cable; USB cord for controller; Headset; Manuals, and obviously behind that is the Dualshock 4 controller and the actual console. The box includes 7 components.


Compared to the Xbox One which contains 9 components, one of them being a sticker, the consoles aren't very different from eachother. Here's the Xbox One unboxing video if you missed that. I'm surprised from the number of dislikes the video has.



New Member
Is it just me? or does the PS4 just look so much better and more of a neat console than what Xbox is? it seems more fun etc.


New Member
So the PlayStation looks like a CPU. The Xbox One looks like a VHS player. Cool. To be honest, I think they both look equally bad. But as they say, don't judge a book by its cover. I don't care if a console looks good or bad. What matters is its capabilities. And I know that the PS 4 has more raw power than the Xbox One. That's all that matters.


New Member
I think the PS4 looks better. Not only did their reveal turn out better, but literally everything about the PS4 is more appealing to me than the Xbox One. I still think the Xbox will be a great console though either way.


Professional Escapologist
Is it just me? or does the PS4 just look so much better and more of a neat console than what Xbox is? it seems more fun etc.

It reminds me of a monolith, with that little neat blue light in the middle, while the Xbox One looks like a VCR or a huge brick. So yeah, it looks better.
Surprised that Sony ain't too cheap to offer an HDMi cable this time.


New Member
Both designs are not really good. They could have been WAY better than they are now. But the thing that matters the most is the hardware and the capabilities of a console. As far as I know, PlayStation 4's performance is superior to Xbox One's. As for the extra stuff Xbox is putting in your "mystery-box", it is just extra charge that is not really worth to pay unless you are a developer. For some reason or another, Microsoft has the impression that majority of gamers are developers and that's why they put Kinect 2.0 in it. (Microsoft said that the extra $100 for the Xbox One you pay is to cover the Kinect 2.0 cost. The representative also added that Kinect 2.0 was put mostly for developers so they don't have to pay a lot extra.)


New Member
I liked the PS4 look. They took some risks. It looks like a futuristic device with sharp, modern lines. The Xbox One looks good too, its just simple and boxy. They didn't take any risks there. It's surprising they got a PSU in the PS4 without a power brick.


New Member
Opening up a new console is always the best part about getting it. If I do actually get the Playstation 4, I can't wait to crack open the box and play it. The inside components look well needed.

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