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Blu-Ray or Digital


New Member
When I had my PSP, all of my games were converted into digital and I loved that I could do that now, since it was portable and I didn't really want to have to keep lugging around a library of mini-CDs with me where ever I went. But since the PS4 won't really need to be portable, would you still then prefer it if all games were just offered as a digital download instead of having to go out and get a Blu-Ray or have one shipped to you? I have mixed feelings towards this, honestly, and I would probably be okay with either. I like having a physical copy of a game because I like having an actual library I could see and admire instead of just having words onscreen, but at the same time, digital works for having slower loading time and of course it's easier to acquire.

Would you like to see all content becoming digital someday soon, or are you dreading the thought of it?


Well-Known Member
Dreading the thought of it.

I will always prefer a physical copy over digital. Sure, digital may be more convenient and space saving, but having a physical copy and being able to see it and add it to your collection is just the way I'll always prefer.


New Member
I like digital, it's more comfortable for me. I got file sharing in my house so I can move the stuff from PC to console or TV pretty fast. Also, whenever I have like a cool movie on blu ray or dvd, most of my friends ask me for it, and i get it much later, forgetting i even borrowed it. So it's nice to have all my stuff in the digital world, on a external drive.


New Member
I think digital is good, but I prefer a hard copy to be honest. There is something about digital that, although it doesn't clutter up your place,there is a possibility of losing a lot of data from many games all at once. The cost of that is far worse than the cost of losing just one hard copy game.


Professional Escapologist
Dreading the thought of it.

I will always prefer a physical copy over digital. Sure, digital may be more convenient and space saving, but having a physical copy and being able to see it and add it to your collection is just the way I'll always prefer.

This is the only correct answer for people that want a true collection. It's not even as much as the problem of having them all together, is the problem that someday the PSN will go down and then how will you play those games that you didn't download but had on your account?


New Member
No I want a real copy of my game. Not a digital copy. I have enough stuff stored on my computer. Don't need anymore. Gaming should always remain traditional. Whether it's the old school cartridge, card, etc. I think the cool thing about gaming is having a library of video game CD's stacked or shelved right next to your heavy DVD collection.


New Member
Digital is very convenient for most people. Though, I like others prefer to have a hard copy on hand. I don't like putting my trust into the cloud or Sony to make sure my content is safe and secured.


New Member
I also prefer having the disk copy. I want something to read on from the inlays and having it as my collection.

Its like music where back in the times where there are still no itunes to download digital copies of music. You just have the cd, looking at the inlays while listening to it with passion.


New Member
Digital. More convenient and you can access it any time.
For disk, there is a chance of me losing it since I am very careless.


New Member
I also prefer having the disk copy. I want something to read on from the inlays and having it as my collection.

Its like music where back in the times where there are still no itunes to download digital copies of music. You just have the cd, looking at the inlays while listening to it with passion.

Yeah but digital music works now because we have something to carry it in. Our MP3 player, ipod, or whatever. Now if the gaming world could develop a device similar to that, where gamers could carry a "game list" with them on some sort portable device. And take it with them everywhere, then we could be in business with this idea.


New Member
I dislike digital, and hope that the PS4 will allow for physical copies as well. I love having a game to visually add to my collection. There's also the space issue; I can always find more shelf space, but I buy a LOT of games and would definitely run out of space on my hard drive if they were all stored there. We also don't have unlimited internet here in my part of Canada, and my family's plan only allows for 90GB a month, so I think that downloading games would take up most of that. Digital only would also restrict me from buying used games, which would reduce my gaming library by quite a bit.

Mainly, though, I'm against digital because of current digital rights management rules. The way it's set up right now, even if you buy something and pay full price, you still don't OWN it. Depending on the company and where you live, you can be restricted from using your digital media on other players, installing them more than a certain amount of times, and they can even be deleted remotely by the company you purchased it from. Currently I don't think Playstation is going that far, but other companies have and I don't think that I want my media to be digital only just in case. With a physical copy, it's mine.


I prefer having a disk copy, if you lose the console, you still have the games, they tend to run faster and just better than digital games as well. Downloading takes too long too.


New Member
It would be perfect if the customer would be able to decide. For those that enjoy having a physical copy so they can look at the box and case from time to time but also have the option for those who just want all their games digitally.


Well-Known Member
It would be perfect if the customer would be able to decide. For those that enjoy having a physical copy so they can look at the box and case from time to time but also have the option for those who just want all their games digitally.

I believe that will be a thing with the PS4. All games will be made available digitally or physically.

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