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BLOD .. please Help


New Member
I Shipped a PS4 internationally through ebay , it's it will cost me around 200 USD to ship it to US and back to get it fixed by SONY , So i', seeking all the help i can get please ..

I just Opened the BOX , when trying to power it on it just gives blinking Blue light , no o/p to My screen , Here's what i tried so far :

- Different HDMI cables which are working fine on other devices .
- Before plugging HDMI cable , the screen gives me "no signal message" , when i insert it into PS4 "even if it's off" , the message on my screen disappear , when i turn of the PS4 , it stays blank .
- No Apparant damage with HDMI port , cable goes all the way in .

- Double checked that H.D.D. is well seated .
- When PS4 is off , then Trying to get PS4 into safe mode by pressing for power button for long time , it just turns off after the second beep .
- when connecting the DS4 to the PS4 , it's not blinking at all , just as if controller is dead , i connected the DS4 to my pc , then it was charging well giving orange LED .
- My Screen is Samsung BX2331 "FULL HD" ,i tried also another Toshiba TV .
- power cord and power slot seems fine , i also tried other power cord from old PS3 .
- i guess i can't update my FW as i can't get into safe mode , i can intalize the H.D.D. on another PS4 to ensure it's working fine , but i won't be able to upgrade FW anyway .

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