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Beyond Good & Evil 2


New Member
It would be sweet if this gets released sometime in 2014, but it will likely come out in 2015 or 2016. Ubisoft teased it fairly recently, but there hasn't been an update since. The last interview about the game was in July. How many of you are anticipating this game?


New Member
Me! Even now, the footage they showed a few years ago looks amazing! I can't wait for it, I don't know why the creator is taking so long to get it done! I don't know if we're lucky for it to even be released in 2015/6! But I hope you're right. :)
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New Member
Yeah,t here hasn't been any word about Brother in Arms: Furious 4, Rainbow Six: Patriots t Beyond Good and Evil 2. It's strange to say the least.

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