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Best Sports Game On PS2?


New Member
Uhm, I dunno. I love the NBA 2K series. I just don't know which is the best of the bunch. But as a series, I think that it's the best on the PS2. I also love the fight night series, especially Fight Night Round 2. I think it's the best boxing game on the PS2.


New Member
I'd say FIFA 13 because it was pretty good and maybe the only FIFA game since FIFA 10 worth paying money for. Maybe one of the Cricket games can count too.


New Member
I never really played many sports video games myself, but my friends were terribly addicted to playing NBA on PS2 at the time. In fact, I always found myself having to go elsewhere during class breaks because I couldn't relate. :) They weren't alone as well, since almost the whole shop was practically just different groups playing the same game over and over. I think a game that makes people that obsessive warrants a nomination as the best or one of the best.

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