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Awesome PS3 commercial


New Member
Sony has been making these amazing commercials that are both entertaining and really high quality. I think this is their newest one, "Michael." Check it out:



New Member
I have not seen any Playstation commercials, lately. Also, I do not see your link, to watch the one you are talking about. It could just be a problem on my side, but I am looking forward to seeing the promo.


New Member
The link isn't coming up for me either, but I've heard about the commercial. It sounds awesome. What a smart move to use actual gamers. It's ingenious, really. I think I'll check it out later on Youtube.


New Member
Interesting-it even looks like a movie trailer. I think it's a little off base for a PS system (opposed to a game) though although I'd love to get one of those little canvas creatures to keep on my dresser.

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