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Ask Titan

After I posted, had a hankering for a pork roll, egg and cheese bagel. Figured I'd share for those who never experienced this awesomeness :D


And one showing off the innards :)

As a Jersey boy, gotta love the NY style pizza. That is the only true pizza (sorry Alex :p ).

LOL!! No doubts yours is the true american pizza. I have eaten some pizzas in America, well not in NY but in Chicago and in Denver. What can I say? It is very good indeed but also very different from what I am used to and from what I have expected as well.

Here in Italy, if we want to taste an american pizza, we have to eat this:


It's a frozen pizza and nothing really special, but it is good for when I feel lazy and I do not want to cook my home made one.
To tell you the truth, its taste is quite far from what I felt in the States, but you know... it's ready in 10 minutes :grin

If you are curious about your favourite type of food, here's a bit of history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_pizza :)
Haha. That frozen pizza looks god awful. Looks like the dollar frozen pizza we have in the states. And Alex, you gotta try pizza in the NYC area. Chicago pizza is very different than NY style. I have to try pizza in Chicago one of these days but I know i t can't compare to NY style :p
I've heard about a place named New York Flying Pizza that ships pizzas everywhere in the States and probably in the world. I am tempted, to be sincere... lol :p
So I'm sitting in a bar. Feeling good and ready to answer questions. Ask away. Nothing is off limits. Nothing ;)
Any story behind your PSN ID?

It actually has a symbolic meaning which goes back over a decade, so brace yourselves :)

Back in high school I wanted to be a fighter pilot. When I talked to a recruiter about a career in the Air Force, he basically said since I have a record of asthma, I couldn't fly. So a couple months later, still reeling in disdain, I made a Xanga (I know. Dates me doesn't it. For you youngins, before Facebook and Twitter and even before MySpace, people used online journals for social media) name Grounded Bird which reflected that. Now, also when I was in high school, I worked at this drug store where the manager nicknamed me Beaker because I have a big nose. Joke was on him and I embraced it. Now fast forward a few years when I made my PSN account, I knew it would be permanent and wanted it to be something symbolic, while sounding cool too. I liked the idea behind my old Xanga name but thought the name itself sounded really stupid and uncreative. So, to make it more unique and sound kinda cool, I replaced 'Grounded' with 'flightless' and 'Bird' with "beaker". So the meaning behind it really means a flightless bird. Me, Beaker, being the bird :)
What was a movie you were really looking forward to see for ages and when you finally saw it you were disappointed? (not thought it was crap,it may have been OK,just not as good as you hoped for).

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