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ask iamthenight90


The Watcher In The Wings
i said i was going to do this at 500 posts so here it is. ask away.
btw if there are any questions related to who batman is im not willing to answer. batman is batman, no man under the mask, just an angry kid with a big trust fund;) if you know what thats from kudos to you
And this thread went gay in 4 posts. New record here :p

Here's one back on topic. What did you study in college?
havent gotten there yet, still in teh high school.

Really? I assumed the 90 in your name was the year you were born. Though then again, you use words like 'teh' ;) Haven't used that online since I as in high school :)

Ok, lets tweak my comment then. What do you want to study in college?
Really? I assumed the 90 in your name was the year you were born. Though then again, you use words like 'teh' ;) Haven't used that online since I as in high school :)

Ok, lets tweak my comment then. What do you want to study in college?

anything dealing with science realy, i just dont know yet. i actualy want to become a veteranarian
oh and im sure you know what assuming does?:p
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So you're the Batman, Haze is the Superman... whats the deal with you two? :P

call it, complete coincidence with a side of me thinking it would be funny. batman is my favorite dc superhero next to green arrow though, and my favprite marvel character is rocket racoon, (before gaurdians of the galaxy)
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Do you drink soft drink/soda/pop/fizzy drink much? And whenever you what is one of your fav flavours or types?

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