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Ask Haze!

Well I've been thinking about this for around 3 seconds now and well....you could have the women and then die of dehydration and your fiancée would never know. But then again I don't agree with cheating so you made the right call with the water.

The question is can you have a shag when you are THAT dehydrated?
Hmmm... I suppose it's everything ok then, good :)

If you don't mind, I prefer not to be killed. I stay alive and you will not go to jail.
In that case I better not tell you...much :o
In a nutshell though,and without going into detail (not that I know much anyway) he's just been preoccupied with a few other things.

On to you Haze...
Out of the following three who would you Bang, Kill and Marry. Donald Trump, Opera and Bill Gates ?
Out of the following three who would you Bang, Kill and Marry. Donald Trump, Opera and Bill Gates ?

That's really tough to answer actually. Hmmm...

Bang = Bill Gates (for the money)
Marry = Opera (for the money)
Kill = Donald Trump (for his money)
My money is on Batman personally but I want to hear your opinion. :p :p :p :p :p :p


And I was THIS close to forgiving you about Man of Steel...

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