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Ask Haze!

It was Berry Cola fusion. I think we had in Australia for a very limited time around the late 90's.
If you are talking about the showdown with Zod in Metropolis, then I will answer that with a question of my own. Why was it ok for all those people to die in The Avengers? (Yes, lots die in the city at the end if you think about it hard enough) :p
If you are talking about the showdown with Zod in Metropolis, then I will answer that with a question of my own. Why was it ok for all those people to die in The Avengers? (Yes, lots die in the city at the end if you think about it hard enough) :p

just dont let batman know, unless he already does, cuz hes BATMAN!!!!!!
just dont let batman know, unless he already does, cuz hes BATMAN!!!!!!

What Spiderman movie series do you like better,the original first 3 Spiderman movies by Sam Raimi (he of Evil Dead fame :Onya ) with Tobey Maguire or the last two Amazing Spiderman movies with Andew Garfield?
I would say the first two Spider-Man's (Sam Raimi's) as I have fond memories and get all nostalgic. But I do think The Amazing Spider-man was extremely good also. The Amazing Spider-man 2 was good too, but not as good as the first and not as good as the original Sam Raimi's trilogy.
Agree for the most part.
I much preferred Sam Raimi's movie and have them all on blu ray.
Dont like the Amazing Spiderman movies much at all,infact even though I love Spiderman I even enjoyed Captain America:The Winter Soldier movie more than The Amazing Spiderman 2.


OK,who is the best Bruce Banner: Eric Bana,Edward Norton (lol) or Mark Ruffalo?
:confused: You are joking surely?
The proper answer is Mark Ruffalo :Onya


In order,whats the best of the Alien films,from 1 to 4. (not including the AvP films ofcourse)

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