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Ask Don

Although I'm more into big boobs, you can't go wrong with bubble butts either. Respect, bro!

Absolutely. Over time, big boobs will sag and look nasty. A bubble butt stays bubble forever :) Provided you maintain it :D

Back on topic. Have you ever considered a life of crime?
Have you ever seen snow in real life?

Seriously? I see snow every winter, I think the picture I put up from myself is in winter surrounded by snow.

What about you?

Are you a Cat or a Dog person?

I love all kinds of pets, but I prefer to own a cat(I already have one, 13 years old...).
Cats are easier to take care of, they are full automatic, you just put their sandbox and food and they just live by themselves :D

Absolutely. Over time, big boobs will sag and look nasty. A bubble butt stays bubble forever :) Provided you maintain it :D

Back on topic. Have you ever considered a life of crime?

Well since I was a kid, I always liked the Mafia style stuff, I always liked to become a head of Mafia(hence the name Don) and do organized crime. However I would be one of those nice godfathers who take care of town people and stuff :P
Seriously? I see snow every winter, I think the picture I put up from myself is in winter surrounded by snow.
What about you?
We have snow in AUS as well.
Not everywhere mind,mostly higher up in the snow resorts,while occasionally falling to lower heights.
Being a Slipknot fan (I'm guessing by your avatar picture), how does their new album hold up for you?
Being a Slipknot fan (I'm guessing by your avatar picture), how does their new album hold up for you?

Well I like it a lot, its a bit different than their previous works so hardcore fans might feel alienated, but I like it more than their previous works.
Worth the money.

Btw my all time favourite band is 30 Seconds to Mars ;)
Well I like it a lot, its a bit different than their previous works so hardcore fans might feel alienated, but I like it more than their previous works.
Worth the money.

Btw my all time favourite band is 30 Seconds to Mars ;)

I will ignore that 30 Seconds to Mars comment :p

I used to be a big Slipknot fan (back 6-7 years ago) and still think Vol 3 is their best work to date. I listened to their new album but just couldn't get into it. Getting to the point where it's hard to tell the difference between them and Stone Sour. But that's just me.
I will ignore that 30 Seconds to Mars comment :p

I used to be a big Slipknot fan (back 6-7 years ago) and still think Vol 3 is their best work to date. I listened to their new album but just couldn't get into it. Getting to the point where it's hard to tell the difference between them and Stone Sour. But that's just me.

Well I dont listen to stone sour much, so I dont have that conflicting feeling :P

Vol 3 was amazing, that is the album which made me a Slipknot fan.

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