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Ask Derri

Were you interested in the last Commonwealth games at all? (since it was in Glasgow)

No, I wasn't really.

I checked in every now and then on some news to see how our home team was doing but other than that it didn't interest me.
If the colours Green and Red were in a fight, with the colour Orange watching - who would win?
The colour Orange would win

Green and Red would fight it out until one of them was defeated. Orange would then pick off the remaining contestant.

It would be a battle of the ages.....

Except colours can't fight....
Do you like South Park?

I do apologize for missing this.

I like clips of South Park. The USA clip when they do a brief introduction to how the USA was founded. The stuff to do with the Mormon religion clips. Those are funny I liked watching them. However I don't think I've ever watched more than a handful of episodes because I don't find it that funny and its more just weird than anything else.

So I don't like it

Its unscientific
Its bias
Its entirely supportive of the republicans

Overall I'd rather bash my testicles with a heavy dictionary than watch Fox news.

but it is entertaining! I like it when they say stupid stuff and in debates or interviews they get pwned xD
but it is entertaining! I like it when they say stupid stuff and in debates or interviews they get pwned xD

I know and I use many of their clips in my political work when discussing points, simply because its easy to counter a lot of their arguments but I still would not watch it. Youtube clips are fine, actually typing the buttons on my SKY remote to physically watch the channel is another thing.

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