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Anyone Picked Up COD WW2?


, , Darkness, ,
Hey All,

Is anyone picking up CoD WW2? I am...just waiting on the postman delivering it.

Can't wait!
Yeah. There's a 9.5GB update file day one too.
Picked my copy up in store as soon as they opened.
Did first SP campaign mission.
Tried zombies (though I wont be playing it much,never been a big fan of zombies,except when it first came out on World at War then Black Ops).
Tried MP for a few games too.
I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm picking up Destiny 2 today because my friends have it and they want to play. The game after that will either be Battlefront 2 or COD. Last COD I bought was MW3. But, seeing as this is WW2 and I'm a WW2 nut, this is on the list.
...Battlefront 2 or COD...
Battlefront 2 or CoD? Not good enough Titan.
Gotta be Battlefront 2 AND CoD :Onya

Be warned though,this years CoD has a weird Head Quarters mode,its like a social space.
Also the supply drop system is in there too.
Advanced Warfare started that.
However I think the basic mechanic of the MP is good,WW2 boots on the ground.
No futuristic theme and advanced movements. (Apart from the dolphin dive which I believe Black Ops 1 or 2 had)
I was in my local Tesco over the weekend queuing up for it, stood behind an old lady.

To my surprise, when she got to the counter she asked for "the new cod". Presumably for her grandson, but I like to imagine she is playing it right now.

But here's the kicker: it was the last copy in store! :(
Hello Derri! I Call of Duty World War 2 kaufen this week Online. I have started playing this. Its weapons Thompson Submachine Gun, Kar98K, M1918 BAR, M1903 Springfield, etc making it more excited to play. Its different games modes are: War Mode, Divisions, Co-op/Zombie Mode.
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