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Anyone else have a squeaky trigger?


New Member
I noticed recently that the right trigger on my DS4 has been squeaking. It's really annoying since I tend to pull that trigger a lot. Anyone have an idea how to fix it? Someone suggested suggested WD-40, but I don't have one on me right now. Any suggestions would be appreciated as long as it doesn't involve dipping it in acid. Thanks in advance!
I've had this issue before but you can fix it.
There are some tutorials on youtube where you can take apart the controller and mess with the trigger to fix it.
I have had this problem also.I just kept playing with it until i got another controller. Its like my backup controller now.
I've never really paid attention. With the kids here my house is rarely quiet enough to hear squeaky controllers. I will have to check for it though.
My friend had that problem too but he fixed it with youtube tutorials. Just like ash2014uk said, you just have to mess around with the trigger a bit and it should work perfectly again. Do it at your own risk though, because you could destroy something if you don't have much experience and pull the wrong cables.
Yes, those uTube videos really do help with that problem. Not too complicated either which I was happy about. Good luck with your fix, it won't take too long to get it done
Nope. I did have a sticky trigger, but Sony replaced the controller for me. I would suggest using an alcohol wipe. I did spill coffee on my new controller and while the buttons did become sticky, a quick wipe has fixed it since.
I did up until a week ago. Played InFamous: Second Son and because it required you to press R2 alot, it seemed to go away.
The pencil will solve the problem. Press the trigger and draw on the springs and mountings. No squeaks at all.
I feel that the problem seems to be either the compartment that holds the triggers or the tiny spring. I have two controllers and one of them have this issue. I tried switching the buttons between the two but it didn't fix it so my only guess is with the slots that holds the trigger buttons.
I've got this problem with my main controller but I just switched to my secondary controller now plus my joystick was messing up abit on my main as when I was playing Fifa the players would suddenly turn right even tho I'm turning the joystick slightly right

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