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"Anthem" was a scam from the beginning!

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Does anyone out there believe that E.A. released "Anthem" without doing a quality control check? It was all done in a effort to get paid back from BioWare at Gamer's expense. Only the graphics & Javelins are user friendly in this game, it should have been named "Hostile Planet"! I get pushed aside by animals no bigger then a cat, wearing a javelin that can't weight less than 300 LBs. It wasn't designed for player's to actually win. Not even the scoring at the end of a mission is fair. Colussuses & Rangers will outscore Interceptors & Storms everytime simply because of their range weaponry. The scoring is based on technique, not who, or what you take out(merit). I've taken out all of the attacking Wryvern's, turrants, Brute's, enemy Storms, and foot soldiers; while a Ranger just took out foot soldiers , but he used all 12 techniques(icons) and he got a higher score. And so because it's not actually merit based, playing single player is often a lesson in frustration. All of Anthem's bosses retain direct memory of your fighting style, and make adjustments for it during the next time you meet. So the real reason for playing as a team is to keep the A.I's timing off. You can't fight the same mission more than once the same way, or target the same things in the same sequence without paying for it. But perhaps the worst thing going on in "Anthem" is how it hands out LOOT. No 2 players are given the same loot during a mission. Loot appears to be completely at the A.I's discretion, even with "Luck". This A.I. takes being beaten personal. I've been playing with a Interceptor at Masterwork level for 4 months now, and still don't have the 6 components that I find the most useful at Legendary level yet. However, if I just put on 6 legendary components it's totally inadequate for freeplay at grandmaster 2. Only team play can get you by on the last 2 levels. BioWare doesn't seems to want to, or are unable to do anything about this "self-protection mechanism" in "Anthem's" loot-drop system. BioWare is more interested in money transactions, and additional content than any real, or meaningful fixes, aside from dropping player's, or locking up our systems. P.S. I didn't spend anytime writing about bosses disabling my "Ultimate key".
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a "scam". More like they had no idea what they were doing. I haven't been following it too closely but I had a feeling there would be major issues. Mostly for the fact you have a company known for storybased RPGs trying to be Bungie. It was setup for disaster a while ago. And not to mention the issues Bioware has been having the last few years with mismanagement and whatnot. As for the money transactions thing. Not shocking. Bioware is owned by EA afterall; the company that claims that they aren't "lootboxes" but "surprise mechanics".
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a "scam". More like they had no idea what they were doing. I haven't been following it too closely but I had a feeling there would be major issues. Mostly for the fact you have a company known for storybased RPGs trying to be Bungie. It was setup for disaster a while ago. And not to mention the issues Bioware has been having the last few years with mismanagement and whatnot. As for the money transactions thing. Not shocking. Bioware is owned by EA afterall; the company that claims that they aren't "lootboxes" but "surprise mechanics".
Here's what the OP was trying to say:

As for the "surprise mechanics":

I don't mind buying the same game every year (Call of Duty), as long as its fun, and has quality.
I don't mind buying DLC, and I've done it before.
I don't mind microtransactions, as long as I know what I'm getting.
These pay to win, these lootboxes are predatory.
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