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Air Combat 7 Top Gun Maverick Ultimate Edition


New Member
Hello. I go by the "call sign...lol, mavster. I used to compete in Practical shooting competions using my Berretta 9mm. It was then that I got very curious about FPS games. So I bought a PS 3 and almost all FPS games, Call of Duty etc...I could find.
Although these competitions were focused and an adrenaline rush, my true dream would have me in the cockpit of one of the F-35s that Canada has purchased. Oh well, a different time, who knows?
I was planning on purchasing a PS 5 and had the notion to see if there were any games that involved jet fighter areial combat. When I first saw the second Top Gun movie, I did not care for it much. Then when it came out on Netflix, I have been watching the areial flight scenes, and based on my knowledge of dog fighting techniques (learned by reading, watching video and having the incredible experience a 2 hour conversation with an F-14 pilot), I noticed the tactics, strategy and manovers shown in the movie were quite accurate. Too bad the Russkys invented the Cobra Manuover...lol
Well, first I wanted to know if Air Combat 7 Top Gun Maverick Ultimate Edition will work on a PS 5, and/or, what features might be missing playing this game on the Ps 5.
Second, if the game will work on the PS5, I plan to purchase the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hostas 4 and Thrustmaster TFRP rudder peddles.
Does it sound like all this will work?
What is involved with setting up the controls?
Based on my research, it looks like a $1500 purchase, for all NEW equipment.
Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated !!!
Thanks, but was asking about Ace Combat 7 Top Gun Maverick Ultimate edition.
And I was hoping to find out what would be missing using this game on the PS5.
And weather the accesories listed were also suitable.
Thanks, but was asking about Ace Combat 7 Top Gun Maverick Ultimate edition.
And I was hoping to find out what would be missing using this game on the PS5.
And weather the accesories listed were also suitable.
Nothing. You just pop the game into your PS5, and it should play as it did on PS4.

It would be in backwards compatibility mode. That's the only thing.
Thanks Carlos. I really appreciate your feed back.
What about the perifinals I listed, I plan to purchase the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hostas 4 and Thrustmaster TFRP rudder peddles. What am I getting myself into, with these items? Is there any set up issues with the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hostas 4 and Thrustmaster TFRP rudder peddles. joy stick / throttle. Unfortuneatly, I got out of ps gaming for some time and just not up to speed with all the compatability.
Also, I believe the Sony store indicated that there may be some features not available on the PS5 even though the game it is backwards compatible. I don't go on line to play, I just play the games on my own.
Any thoughts my friend?
Thanks Carlos. I really appreciate your feed back.
What about the perifinals I listed, I plan to purchase the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hostas 4 and Thrustmaster TFRP rudder peddles. What am I getting myself into, with these items? Is there any set up issues with the Thrustmaster T. Flight Hostas 4 and Thrustmaster TFRP rudder peddles. joy stick / throttle. Unfortuneatly, I got out of ps gaming for some time and just not up to speed with all the compatability.
Also, I believe the Sony store indicated that there may be some features not available on the PS5 even though the game it is backwards compatible. I don't go on line to play, I just play the games on my own.
Any thoughts my friend?
I think they're talking about the backwards compatibility issues. It's not like Xbox, where if you bought the Xbox Series game, and there's a Xbox One version in the same disc, all the features in the Xbox Series version would be "forward compatible." So, theoretically, the Xbox One version was the original development, and Xbox Series version was brought forward. In this "system," how I understand it from articles is if you bought the game and it has both Xbox One and Xbox Series in the disc/box - think of it like the PC downgrade/upgrade path - where the minimum specs are Xbox One features, then the advanced features are on Xbox Series consoles. Let me put it another way: Specs wise, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X, both have the same specs, but... but... but... omit some features. There's a reason why the system is holding back Xbox Series X's full specs, full compatibility. So, 80% of the Xbox Series games are basically Xbox Series S games. Following me here? All of these Xbox Series X owners feel sabotaged because Microsoft wants to sell consoles like Nintendo 64's (MSRP $250).

So. So... What does that mean for PlayStation 4 backwards compatibility on PlayStation 5? What Sony is saying is that by playing PlayStation 4 games on PlayStation 5 is you are gonna play PlayStation 4 games as it was designed, with some boost features. Now, if there's a PlayStation 5 version of the game, you will get everything the PlayStation 5 offers, and more.

Let me put it this way - I am playing Resident Evil 4 on PS5. No, it's not the PS4 version on PS5, it's the full PS5 experience. These "cross gen" games has two different downloads. Yep. So, look for those.

Here's the original GDC conference video...

Thanks, Carlos. I have to absorb all this. I will check to see if I can get a game that is specific for PS 5.
What about the accessories I mentioned ? What am I getting into with these (joystick, throttle and foot pedals for the rudders). How do they get connected to the PS5? Do I have to set them up or calibrate them at all?
Thanks in advance. I really want to get in to this game, if I can. Like I said, its about a $1500 purchase and I just need to make sure everything will work together.

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