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Activision has six titles coming to Wii U this fall, including Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Clark Wayne

New Member
Call of Duty: Ghosts Confirmed for Wii U - IGN

Activison has confirmed that their annual Call of Duty game, this one titled Ghosts will be coming to the Wii U when the game is released in November. Many Wii U owners doubted the game would be released on the console, as it has been struggling when it comes to seeing 3rd party games being released for it. Thankfully, this doesn't seem to be the case as Activison also has 5 other games coming to the Wii U later this year as well.
Guessing 1 is Skylanders. Dunno about the other ones. Probably licensed games like TMNT

We'll have to see how well it goes


New Member
Activision has so many games that it will probably be a varied series of games. It's really nice though that the Wii U is getting some potentialy good 3rd party games, I really dislike how Nintedo usually seems to only have their set up games and also a few tie-in games that are usually shit.

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