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  1. N

    Has anybody ever connected your PS5 to Homekit?

    Well, i just thought, it would be fun to control my games from my phone, but turned, it just shows the status. I tried the plugin and it worked for once, But now it is not responding, did i do the steps wrong? or Should i drop the plan of THIS SMART AUTOMATION :D
  2. 1

    PS5 only works for a few seconds

    I have an issue where my PS5 actually turns on like normal and then I am able to navigate on the home screen but after a few seconds it just goes black and PS5 is still on with White LED... I then need to force shutdown the console and boot it back but I still cannot do anything as it does not...
  3. G

    Ps4 works on one tv but not the other

    I downloaded update 2.0 last month and that seems to be when my problem began. The ps4 wanted to boot in 480 and there was no audio. 720 1080 are all unsupported now. Called support numerous times and even sent it in. They replaced the main board apparently. Still no better. I can get it to boot...
  4. T

    PS4 Connection issues still happening?

    Im not sure if this should be posted here or not and i did look for my answer before postin but could have missed info someplace lol.. So im wondering (before i buy another ps4) Is the PS4 still having connection issues?? .. I bought a ps4 a couple months ago and had a terrible experience with...
  5. W

    PS4 Minor issues

    I have 2 minor problems and wondering if anyone else has similar issues. 1: my left trigger is really squeaky. I know this is minor but once you hear it, it really annoying. 2: While watching live Ustream, randomly a black bar appears for about 5 secs then disappears and reappears about 30...
  6. J

    Playstation 4 Connectivity issues

    Hey guys, just curious. I got my PS4 launch day, and I've been having issues specifically with Netflix, and downloading updates. I seem to disconnect every 20 minutes or so and have to shut the system down in order to sign back in to Netflix/ download updates. I was thinking it was my internet...