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Search results

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    Amazon UK Placeholder Price at £599 / $900

    Well, today Amazon UK has made the PS4 available for Pre Order with a price tag of £599 - that's right £599 that's over $900 worth of Sony kit. However, on their page they have a small notice saying that at the moment it's just a 'Placeholder' price and the price may change depending on...
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    Your Latest TV Series You Love To Watch

    After just finishing watching The Walking Dead Series 3 (and having to wait until the end of the year for the 4th series to start airing), What other TV show series would you guys suggest or that you watch? I've started watching the first few episodes of Warehouse 13 on Netflix and I'm loving...
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    Hello PSForums!

    Hiya All, I'm Andy and I'm from the UK. Out of all the consoles out there, the PS has always and will always be my Favorite one. I've had them all dating back in my child hood playing Tony Hawks Pro Skater on Playstation One (some many years ago :p) and now worked my way up playing CoD on...