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Recent content by Arran

  1. Arran

    Horror games

    Amnesia was fantastic for a bit of horror, we need more like that.
  2. Arran

    Favorite Indie Games or Flash Games

    Fez....if that counts? Played it after watching a documentary about Phil Fish on netflix.
  3. Arran

    Reviewers didn't like Destiny that much

    I spent £80 on Destiny...biggest waste of money I ever spent! It's fun for all of 30 mins at a time but then it just gets repetitive and you end up turning it off....I really hope the new COD can save the day as all of the games ive had on PS4 bar UFC have been poor.
  4. Arran

    Netflix has expanded to 6 new countries today.

    Netflix is a joke....they charge us the same...or more....in England as the USA yet they get 4x as much stuff.
  5. Arran

    Big Brother TV show is crap

    it was good back in the first few series, now it's just being flogged to death. The celeb version is still good though.
  6. Arran

    Do you drink tap water or bottled water?

    bottled because Im dome and fall for crap advertising.
  7. Arran

    News on iphone 6/6+ bending

    Why do people still buy iphones when Samsung are far superior?